Starmade shower thoughts

    Oct 1, 2014
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    It’s called this due to thinking about other suggestions and how to implement it while in the shower!
    (builds off of other ideas)

    Sub-core: a secondary core to a ship, it doesn’t give off any signature but can be linked to weapon systems, cameras, logic interfaces (below), and turret cores (below). Can also be used to enter ship build mode, allowing multiplayer building!

    Logic Interface: a bridge between the ship core(s) and logic systems that can be named.

    Turret Cores: a special sub-core that is used to make a turret on a ship or base. The turret core is a core and a pivot rod (below) in one, changing the face will first rotate the rod two times before changing the facing direction. The facing direction determines the front of the turret, rotation range setting, and its default position. The turret core also has its own build mode to build the turret. It’s the only pivot block to offer full 360 degree rotation, unless restricted in its menu (main mirrored 0-160, rod 0-90). Turret build mode can be entered with a hotkey from ship build mode while facing the block.

    Turret Core Wedge: same as above but the pivot rod is perpendicular to the wedge face.

    Pivot Rod: the only round object in the known universe. The Pivot Rod is placed the same way as the Turret Core. But, the rod has a 90 degree highlighted area linked to both the direction and perpendicular to the rod. Pivot Rods lined up with each other will act as one long rod, e.g. duel sided turrets move in tandem, with their own sub build mode. They also connect to their surrounding blocks, filling in empty spaces.

    Sub-build modes: a build mod for pivot points to witch a hotkey is used to enter highlighted blocks, the same hotkey to go back up. Sub-build modes are affected by mirror building at higher build tiers;
    ship YZ – turret XZ – building turret’s guns X4

    Turret rotation speed is determined by volume instead of mass, the reason for this is to make sure that large and/or spread out turrets rotate slowly while small compact turrets rotate quickly.

    Linking a sub-core with a turret core will act as remote access into the linked turret.

    On a turret don’t forget to place a camera linked to the guns rotational.

    Please post if you agree or have your own ideas on a better turret implementation idea, than what we have now.


    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    I feel like a lot of the blocks suggested here are not necessary with proper implementation. Also turrets should still be based on mass. More powerful turrets will always require more blocks. Players usually don't design turrets spread out into such a wide volume.
    Jan 26, 2014
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    A second Core Block isnt necassary. A secont Player could enter Buildmode just using the Buildblock.
    Maybe there could be a Pilot-Seat where players could controll theyr Ship.
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    Home of Titan Guard
    Sep 11, 2013
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    I really like the idea of a round pivot rod block and a counter sink block, the facing direction or home location is what is really needed to make the ships "pop" as first glances, again part strategy and look design feel to a ships unique style, and having a wedge system that limits rotation is also what this game cry's for realism immersion, secondary build mode is handy vs carrying around build blocks. since having to rebuild my ship to accommodate the new block content having to move construction sites around is time consuming. Visually seeing a turret turn and the turret gun turn on the same construction platform would be stunning:) For instance a large base gun turret than a medium turret followed by a small aa turret on the top all moving and cycling in there arc of fire zones so there's less clipping.

    Having a pivot might prevent the turrets from durping -sideways upside down etc... and prevent the turrets from over reaching -clipping to shoot, a visually collision. A locked tighter math, mass and volume needs to both accredited to turret turning response speed's, this way you can have design and functionality without being in penalty for a said design that has less mass, but in the same instance still limited to distance from pivot point for speed. what this allows for is tracking articulation moving a turret across an firing arc area, the gun turret is not maxed out on it's turning speed from it's size or design, a way of sync the turret to the target

    When you have to make equal portions to make a turret just function, small turret goes right out the window, turrets will now be % bigger to reach the same effectiveness but than suffer from tracking because there bigger to reach functionality.

    As I said before you need multiply building materials one for fighters, drones, another for ships, one block fits all is not working without other supportive math to balance various groups, for gameplay balances. Offsetting ships also offsets fighters end up playing tug of war between the two mediums for some sort of game play, than ironing all the math bugs along a huge spectrum of the game.

    Your not going to put battle ship parts and components on a fighter, and fighter parts on a battle ship, different elements and stresses, you might share certain specialized components that's fitting for that peculiar area or job.

    This why war progresses with anti values, where you have anti-anti-anti-anti radar systems extended from the first radar dish of that design
    No different than a new turret method of construction or design patterns springing from a different concept on how adaptable it becomes and you still can have both designs available for certain looks or functionality.
    Aug 18, 2013
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    The turrent rotation should require using thrusters, like a normal ship would turn around.
    About the "Logic Interface", I think that linking a "Activation block" to the "Ship Core" should show the activation block in the Weapons menu, so one could, let's say, turn on/off the lights on the ship (for a stealth aproach), show up the landing gear made using door blocks, open and close the doors of your carrier, etc.)...
    Oct 1, 2014
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    I agree with you Ciggofwar, but i have a counter suggestion; how about linking block strength and armor to ship mass, so larger ships get an armor bonus for being larger. Fighters have little mass, but make up for it with speed and maneuverability. That way you can have a smaller number of blocks, that can fit both.

    The turrent rotation should require using thrusters, like a normal ship would turn around.
    Why? The turret is attached to the ship, that already has thrusters. The turrets can simply use motors to rotate around, its pivot points. As it stands now thrusters have no effect on turn speed, but the total mass of the ship and the mass of docked turret is used to determine turn speed.

    About the "Logic Interface", I think that linking a "Activation block" to the "Ship Core" should show the activation block in the Weapons menu, so one could, let's say, turn on/off the lights on the ship (for a stealth aproach), show up the landing gear made using door blocks, open and close the doors of your carrier, etc.)...
    Activation block instead of a Logic Interface might be a better idea, good thinking! Also that list of things, is why I suggested the Logic Interface in the first place, to control logic functions form the cockpit.