How to Make Planets Worth Owning?


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    First way to make planets worth owning again... cookies, not spheres. COOKIES. Bring them back. I feel like quitting the game every time I get near a planet and my whole game lags down to only a few FPS. New planets are a huge drain on CPU/GPU resources compared to old. Also allow us to turn off atmospheres and the day/night mesh that rotates around them.

    2nd - core mining, great idea. The shaft or "drill" must touch the magma.

    3rd - renewable resources, "growing". Sure, but this will require "ticks", a certain time cycle, like the current "tick" per AI simulation for pirates and TG. Ticking too often will imbalance planets.
    I lagged more on cookie planets than I do on dodecahedrons. If they are brought back they should be configurable, not a default because most players like the dodecahdrons better, including me (and I'm one of the ones who complains about them too). We certainly need a less fancy atmosphere, maybe something handled through the background image instead of an extra effect that doesn't even work or look remotely right on my graphics card.

    Maybe crystals could be grown and ores mined from cores. That would add renewable sources of both, although I must emphasize that these should be very slow and difficult to harness.


    Aug 30, 2013
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    Seriously, I hated those planets. Lag should be solved by optimizations, not degrading the game.

    Planets should be bigger, and their spawning rates reduced. This would A.) Increase their gravity, making it so it's harder to escape them B.) You could explore planets, instead of flying over them once and seeing everything. C.) Make planets a little less expendable, cause there's less.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Seriously, I hated those planets. Lag should be solved by optimizations, not degrading the game.

    Planets should be bigger, and their spawning rates reduced. This would A.) Increase their gravity, making it so it's harder to escape them B.) You could explore planets, instead of flying over them once and seeing everything. C.) Make planets a little less expendable, cause there's less.
    I can already see someone crashing on the planet, unable to get anywhere for some time...
    And remember, never fly with Tom Hanks. NEVER.


    Mandalorian ShipWright.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Planets would be worth "Claiming" if we had a reason other than minerals to go to them the problem is getting on and off the surface, but either way i think it would make a good addition for a rp server to have planets for farming and such. The only drawback is would that mean we'd need a system to make players need sustenance (food to eat or water to drink) in order to survive?
    Jul 26, 2013
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    Well I am reading these idea, and I’m going to have to go realist on this thread. Planets at best in real life, are a source of rock, gases, liquids and in some but not all cases heat. Remember not all planets are thought to have a molten core. In Starmade the gases are non-existent, thou it would be cool to have atmospheres with our gravity fields. And I have a feeling that with the whole helmet thing it was at least planned at one point.

    As for what advantages planets have over other stations, really its only gravity and if its present geothermal heat. Everything else can be done on a space ship. The laymen's idea that plants need an up is wrong, planets grow towards light, so as your light source is in a fixed direction they would grow in zero-g. Renewable resources like plants, actually require a fairly closed system to be renewable. People say they can always grow more next year, but really they need nutrients in the soil, water, carbon in the air, and light. These things aren't infinite, just vast in supply on earth, and most of what we use in growing a plant ends up back in the ground. In the end, star burn out and planet cores cool down too.

    In context of the game, we already have infinite energy, just not infinite output. So geothermal is really no better than power blocks, same could be said of solar, or hydro dams. Plants might add an interesting economic dynamic if they were used in production. Maybe cotton, wool, leather, etc.

    What is left is rock and gravity, which can be useful in themselves. Rock is handy for building for a natural look, and sun diving as hull plating. Gravity like planets tends to be glitch prone. It boils down to them being balls of nothing plated with rocks and resources on all sides. Not a place I would want to live.
    Jun 19, 2014
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    @Zedrackis : There is no disagree button anymore, so I just rated it old since it was the most appropriate of the ratings (this has already been talked about before).

    Just some food for thought:
    Would you live on planets if the coloured lava, water and poision spawned on planets together with better looking terrain?


    Mandalorian ShipWright.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    well i think they should run with this idea not only is a planet a good source for a mineral or ore mine but its also a good place to farm assuming that you've found a planet with plants and not a desert, or icecube, and or one of them funky purple ones.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    ideally planets should have certain minerals that are only obtainable there, or maybe simply huge quantities of the current ones


    SPICY hot dog child
    Apr 26, 2013
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    First way to make planets worth owning again... cookies, not spheres. COOKIES. Bring them back. I feel like quitting the game every time I get near a planet and my whole game lags down to only a few FPS. New planets are a huge drain on CPU/GPU resources compared to old. Also allow us to turn off atmospheres and the day/night mesh that rotates around them.

    2nd - core mining, great idea. The shaft or "drill" must touch the magma.

    3rd - renewable resources, "growing". Sure, but this will require "ticks", a certain time cycle, like the current "tick" per AI simulation for pirates and TG. Ticking too often will imbalance planets.

    The answer isn't to regress and lose progress for the sake of "DUHH NEW STUFF ISN'T WORKING"

    The answer is to make the new stuff work by optimizing it.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    ideally planets should have certain minerals that are only obtainable there, or maybe simply huge quantities of the current ones
    That wouldn't make people want to own planets more, just more likely to salvage them down to the core and then leave.
    Jun 19, 2014
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    That wouldn't make people want to own planets more, just more likely to salvage them down to the core and then leave.
    Unfortunately they already have huge quantities of the current resources.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    I like fuel to be something giving you the ability to produce a more compact power-supply for ships.

    Every "1 (Gen-manipulated) animal, 9 plants and 90 rock|dirt|(hull?) blocks" should generate 1 fuel unit per minute. Planets just happen to have a lot of these "other blocks".
    1 fuel unit produces 10'000 energy (100 energy per 1 block per minute).

    Only planets, stations and capitals will produce fuel.
    Small ships may too, but that's too much mass players don't want to carry with them on every ship they build.

    Stations may produce fuel, but require 90 rock|dirt blocks for each 9 plants and 1 animal, thus it would be a natural choice to produce massive amounts of fuel on planets instead.


    Mandalorian ShipWright.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    that would be nice, BUT fuel would mean people would have to add fuel tanks to there ships and that alone could mean a total rebuild! Also exploration would be limited to fuel range!


    SPICY hot dog child
    Apr 26, 2013
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    That wouldn't make people want to own planets more, just more likely to salvage them down to the core and then leave.
    To resolve this, what do you think about resources on a planet replenishing over time? It'd also create more of a reason to leave a base on a planet for autonomous resource collection.

    This way, people wouldn't have to keep making trips with their ships to harvest resources from a flourishing planet.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    that would be nice, BUT fuel would mean people would have to add fuel tanks to there ships and that alone could mean a total rebuild! Also exploration would be limited to fuel range!
    Notice he said "more compact power-supply." Current power reactors would work just as they do now, but you could use fuel for a better, possibly toggle-able, power source. Could be useful for fighters, which are usually attached to carriers which could easily store enough fuel to service a whole lot of fighters for a long time, while the carriers themselves could just run off of power reactors.


    That crazy cyborg
    Oct 27, 2013
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    ideally planets should have certain minerals that are only obtainable there, or maybe simply huge quantities of the current ones
    *mashes imaginary disagree button*
    Reason: Imbalanced, makes a current problem worse
    Jun 19, 2014
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    so what you're saying is one planet is all you need - then what's the point of exploring?
    No, @Valiant70 is saying that making planets have more resources or special resources will only make people want to salvage planets more, not make them explore them.