Strange reactor stream behavior

    May 25, 2018
    Reaction score
    I'm not certain if anyone else had experienced this before and would like to know a way to fix it.

    The image I have attached to this post is one example of what's been happening to me. There appears to be a great deal of misalignment between actual placement of the stablizers and the end point of the streams.

    The game also seems to believe that the center of the reactor group is somewhere outside the back of the ship.

    If you have had this problem before, how did u resolve it?


    Feb 10, 2017
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    Sounds to me like a sync issue. I've had reactor streams go funky places when I've been moving a reactor around a bit or making large block count changes to reactors or stabilizers. Sometimes fixes itself by removing and placing the blocks making sure you give the game time to recalculate. If that doesn't work, logging out and clearing client cache, waiting for a minute before logging back in, (if on server.) The save/load process seems to sort it out...
    Also have you double checked you haven't left a plain on and accidentally placed reactor components way out the back somewhere? Otherwise the stream should 'start' at the center of mass of the reactor and travel to the center of mass of each stabilizer group.
    May 25, 2018
    Reaction score
    Sounds to me like a sync issue. I've had reactor streams go funky places when I've been moving a reactor around a bit or making large block count changes to reactors or stabilizers. Sometimes fixes itself by removing and placing the blocks making sure you give the game time to recalculate. If that doesn't work, logging out and clearing client cache, waiting for a minute before logging back in, (if on server.) The save/load process seems to sort it out...
    Also have you double checked you haven't left a plain on and accidentally placed reactor components way out the back somewhere
    Thank you MrGrey1, I'll give that a shot
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