- Corresponding corners, wedges, heptas, and tetras for 3/4, 1/2, and 1/4 slab blocks. This would really be useful for detailing small craft, and fine detail on the interiors or exteriors of large craft. It is worth noting that the length of each block should be 1 meter long.
- A nicer display model. If not a nicer display model then at least a slab variant.
- Please update the light rod so that it isn't just 4 pixels arrayed in a cross. Make it a properly square tube like the pipes. Really, just add a light bar variant for each color of light.
- Add more beacon colors.
- Add chairs. We've wanted this for a while. I know command chairs are planned, but seriously, these models don't have to be functional.
- In the same vein as chairs, can we get tables and stuff as well please?
- We have medical cabinets, there is no reason the undeathinator should still be just a red cube.
- Detail oriented blocks for ship exteriors. Grates are a great start, but there ought to be more than just that. See my decorative barrels post here: Linkable Decorative Weapon Barrels
- In general, could system blocks just not be so wimpy? I mean, I get why they are. But, it'd be really nice to be able to actually put thrusters on the exterior of a ship without them being blown away by every weapon. You put all that work into the thruster plume but no one uses it because thrusters are just so wimpy. Maybe do a similar linking thing for them as I have mentioned above.
- More decorative blocks in general.
- More decorative blocks with complex models.
- Nicer trees, shrubs, organic stuff.
- Wood paneling maybe? Goes along with nicer organic stuff.