Could you be more specific with what you need help?I have read every post , tried everything, set everything and still it will NOT transfer. Is there any little stupid thing or is it possible it won't work on my computer single player
Assuming you connected your storage controllers to the appropriate rails, did you check your auto-pull settings on both entities?Sorry for being so vague, transferring between a ship and space station the cargo. With basic rail to storage and lots of cargo, docking to storage, everything done to u-tube and other posts but it still won't transfer.
That's what worries me. How old of videos?everything on the videos is followed to the letter
Or you put a basic rail down. Then make a Unload and a Load block down and placea button NEXT TO EACH. Then logic the buttons up to the basic railYes, 2 different rails to install on the station, rail load and rail unload. You have to connect to which ever one you want to do for your ship. Thanks everyone who helped