GDPR 302420
This is a part-suggestion part-discussion thread. I wish to encourage users to brainstorm my ideas or propose their own spin on it. Constructive arguments are allowed and encouraged, off topic or non-constructive replies will be reported to moderation.
Disclaimer: The content of this suggestion is entirely based on published developer plans and public information regarding development. The contents of this document do not take into consideration any non-public information such as internal development documents, unpublished planned updates/features and/or CIR internal discussion that are not published in accordance with NDAs signed by council members.
Well here we go again, anothe RedAlert Suggestion™
This suggestion will talk about the current problems with universe, lack of conflict drivers for PvP and lack of variety within the universe.
TL:DR Rather then previous suggestions of splitting resources into localised areas, certain regions of space have unique "quirks" that are not required for PvP but give advantages to whoever controls and/or makes use of these quirks, controlling another quirk of another empire as well as your own would be a perfect conflict driver.
So whats the current issue with the universe and PvP?
There is no reason to fight in PvP other than bragging rights, PvP is high risk low reward which turns a lot of players off it and would rather turtle in their homebases.
So why not split resources into localised areas?
This has been the communities opinion for awhile, I think it will not work, allow me to explain why.
Splitting certain resources essentialy grinds production of warships to a halt, one faction controls the area with the all the shield making materials, so they can make a lot of shields but not much else, in a sense no faction can actually go to war without taking someone elses resource area, but nobody can take someone elses resource area without building ships which require the control of resources that cannot be obtained without ships.
A never ending paradox that puts a halt on all PvP.
So what is the solution then?
I belive the solution is not with resources splitting, but rather an idea a "localsised quirk" system inspired by EVE Online nullsec.
So, lets make a comparrison to EVE, how it currently works there is areas of "null security space" or "nullsec" in these areas of nullsec, different "regions" split it up, generaly an alliance (or coalaltion) controls part of, or an entire region. Different regions give different "quirks"
EVE does not split tritanium from morphite, rather it gives access to certain "quirks" to the controllers of that region.
In one region, known as "Delve" resources are much more richer and mining yield im high, the alliance that controls delve has much more resources to build ships, in another region known as "Providence" ratting (the act of killing lots of NPC pirates for bounty money and possibily rare and expensive loot) is king, the region of Providence has much more ratting then normal, which means more rare loot and more money for whoever controls that region. Another region has a unique kind of "rat" unique to it, known as "Rogue Drones" these rats can yield unique components that can make highly advanced and valuables technoligies (in this case "Excavator Mining Drones" which have the highest mining yield per hour of any mining method in the game)
And EVE Online has the perfect conflict driver for this reason, Empires want to control the region of best mining (Delve) alongside their own region that gives them unique components from Rogue Drones.
In my opinion, StarMade could take a similar approach, to encourage conflict, certain "regions" of the galaxy can have unique features to them to where whoever controls them take reap the advantages, such as rare advanced tech from unique NPCs, become super rich because that region is a pirate haven with a lot of pirates with a lot of bounties or a region with a shittone more mining then anywhere else.
That to me is the perfect conflict driver.
So now that I have proposes my 2 cents, I want to know what you think? Perhaps you have a better idea or a spin on my own, I want this thread to server not only as a suggestion but also a means to brainstorm conflict drives in this game.
Questions? Comments? Smartass Remarks?
Disclaimer: The content of this suggestion is entirely based on published developer plans and public information regarding development. The contents of this document do not take into consideration any non-public information such as internal development documents, unpublished planned updates/features and/or CIR internal discussion that are not published in accordance with NDAs signed by council members.
Well here we go again, anothe RedAlert Suggestion™
This suggestion will talk about the current problems with universe, lack of conflict drivers for PvP and lack of variety within the universe.
TL:DR Rather then previous suggestions of splitting resources into localised areas, certain regions of space have unique "quirks" that are not required for PvP but give advantages to whoever controls and/or makes use of these quirks, controlling another quirk of another empire as well as your own would be a perfect conflict driver.
So whats the current issue with the universe and PvP?
There is no reason to fight in PvP other than bragging rights, PvP is high risk low reward which turns a lot of players off it and would rather turtle in their homebases.
So why not split resources into localised areas?
This has been the communities opinion for awhile, I think it will not work, allow me to explain why.
Splitting certain resources essentialy grinds production of warships to a halt, one faction controls the area with the all the shield making materials, so they can make a lot of shields but not much else, in a sense no faction can actually go to war without taking someone elses resource area, but nobody can take someone elses resource area without building ships which require the control of resources that cannot be obtained without ships.
A never ending paradox that puts a halt on all PvP.
So what is the solution then?
I belive the solution is not with resources splitting, but rather an idea a "localsised quirk" system inspired by EVE Online nullsec.
So, lets make a comparrison to EVE, how it currently works there is areas of "null security space" or "nullsec" in these areas of nullsec, different "regions" split it up, generaly an alliance (or coalaltion) controls part of, or an entire region. Different regions give different "quirks"
EVE does not split tritanium from morphite, rather it gives access to certain "quirks" to the controllers of that region.
In one region, known as "Delve" resources are much more richer and mining yield im high, the alliance that controls delve has much more resources to build ships, in another region known as "Providence" ratting (the act of killing lots of NPC pirates for bounty money and possibily rare and expensive loot) is king, the region of Providence has much more ratting then normal, which means more rare loot and more money for whoever controls that region. Another region has a unique kind of "rat" unique to it, known as "Rogue Drones" these rats can yield unique components that can make highly advanced and valuables technoligies (in this case "Excavator Mining Drones" which have the highest mining yield per hour of any mining method in the game)
And EVE Online has the perfect conflict driver for this reason, Empires want to control the region of best mining (Delve) alongside their own region that gives them unique components from Rogue Drones.
In my opinion, StarMade could take a similar approach, to encourage conflict, certain "regions" of the galaxy can have unique features to them to where whoever controls them take reap the advantages, such as rare advanced tech from unique NPCs, become super rich because that region is a pirate haven with a lot of pirates with a lot of bounties or a region with a shittone more mining then anywhere else.
That to me is the perfect conflict driver.
So now that I have proposes my 2 cents, I want to know what you think? Perhaps you have a better idea or a spin on my own, I want this thread to server not only as a suggestion but also a means to brainstorm conflict drives in this game.
Questions? Comments? Smartass Remarks?