Throwing just about everyone into the same catagory shows alot of ignorance, saying that if you care about the power system, your a PvPer.
The power system is the most important system in the ship, it dictates what you can do and how fast you can move. Thus we should all care for how it gets changed.
All 3 main playstyles (PvE/PvP/RP) need to care for it, the difference is just between minimization,optimal performance and sheer power draw.
RP cares about it the least as they only need enough to move, weapons are for show so its not really important to balance between
But even if the power system is very important, it doesn't justify to use this argument as a end it all. You know Starmade doesn't have declining users because of a propossal, it has less guys because we can't play it currently with all the bugs. If people would say "the current bugs kill it for me" - I would not argue further. But a way too high percentage of guys around here argue that "the power talk killed Starmade" - and I say this is wrong. I explained it allready why, and you can reread my comments to this thread here. (If you are even interested into another point of view on the powerchange.)
And I still don't see where it kills your ships, when you have to use the advanced build mode tools, replace old reactors with power capacitors, and cut out a cube where you don't need some systems like power or shield capacitors anymore.
And now we do a line by liner:
saying that if you care about the power system, your a PvPer.
I don't know where you are reffering to here, I assume
to this "Third if you really say that your builds are entirely about the power systems instead of rail and logic functions or other design stuff, you are basically a pvper that puts his stuff into cubeshells of grey standard armor." I didn't what you are assuming here.
I tried to say ships don't consist of power systems entirely and if they were only about the power systems, and then I exagerated, they would be only grey standard armor cubes - to actually explain, that there is more about a Starmade ship, than only it's power systems.
The power system is the most important system in the ship, it dictates what you can do and how fast you can move. Thus we should all care for how it gets changed.
And in how far does this sentence support, that the powerchange killed Starmade? I mean this was the point why I wrote, I am sorry to repeat that here, but my point was about: The power change is a very shallow reason to say Starmade has issues, and it's really annoying (and also killing the spirit!) that people bloat this thing up. And don't see where your sentence interacts with my point here. This is very general, and I made some very precise examples about how the power change would actually impact you (...ok I allready wrote that, you are free to reread it, if you are not able to read it and will ignore this stuff again we shouldn't try to get to terms anymore). But I think you want to make a transitition here, to strengthen your next point (and your only actual real argument):
RP cares about it the least as they only need enough to move, weapons are for show so its not really important to balance between
Now I agree, that I am not very much emotionally involved to this pvp stuff, even as a dedicated player of Starmade, and my main playstyle is RP. But what does RP mean? You know I only use the word RP, because I want to draw a line to the majority of PVPers I see ingame: very undetailed ships, near to zero interior, mass allways above 20k when they fly around doing anything on the servers. (And I've seen your ships shaker, and surge's youtube stuff too, great designs, I wouldn't throw your stuff into the majority of pvper.)
You know I would call myself a pvper too. I just don't pvp on Starmade, because I think pvp in Starmade without very strong meta changing rules the fights are...well I am not at the point, where I find it interesting to fight in ships ranging from 10k to 40k. But I try to use the systems very well and for the biggest ship I ve build, I made 2 versions: An RP one and a PVP one. The pvp one has only a small walkway to the core as interior.
But the most important point here: As RPer, I do care very much about how my weapon damage turns out. I make calculations too, and the pvp versions of my ship explain a lot to me how to use the Starmade gamemechanics. The style in that I design my ship, tries to make them balanced when they fight each other. Two examples: 1 The turrets on my ship are designed to make a certain ammount of block damage, and I wouldn't use smaller turrets, even for the looks, if they didn't do that minimum of needed damage to the enemy vessel. 2 The fighters I build are able to significantly damage each other in a dogfight with a limitted amount of hits. Try to build a fighter below 100 mass for once: As soon as it has more than 1500 shields and only 99 regen it gets really hard if you 1v1 an pirate controlled one.
My point here: RPers as well can have an important opinion on the power systems that also is based on actual pvp oriented calculations. Saying that RPers don't care for the powerchange are thus not able to justify it's meaning is not a very strong argument, and even this argument I am able to attack with the written examples of mine.
So I again I wait where you actually attack my initial point, that the power change isn't that big of an issue, with some strong arguments that actually react to my concrete examples with: the replace tool, the transition time like it has been with the old turrets, and the point that ships are not entirely made out of power systems, instead of what you provided up to now.