
    Aug 30, 2013
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    I am working on a StarMade Skin Editor in java and am very close to having it ready for some sort of testing. (well a few weeks to a month or so).

    First lets talk about java and image editors and what we can do with those things today.

    Today’s java is just as good as any other programming language for image editing tools. A java application today can have just as many features and options as any AAA image editor and can even include plugins to handle even more things.

    We also will be working in java to allow us ease of ability to transform needed game related code into our application without needing to do a lot of conversions. Any skin editor for starmade written in java can easy become the foremost application for error checks 3d model preview and .smskin compiling. No we don’t want to stop there.

    We want to bring other features to the table. We want the ability to have multi tabs for all 4 skin images for body and lighting image and helmet and its light image. All of these as the only tabs preset and prepared for skin editing. (there are plenty of standard editors out there we need something set just for our skin editing use.) We just don’t want our abilities to fall short from any other editors abilities.

    We want all the standard image editing math. If you think your needed function has not been considered feel free to post a comment asking if that brush ability has been considered.
    I am already well under way to put the frame work of the application together, and once that is done I will show more screenshots of what we have and what things will look like for us.

    If you have any questions, ideas, or just want to show your support to this soon to be released project; feel free to post here, and I will get back to you. I also will post here updates to how close we are to any kind of testing phase. I will also edit this main post to reflect the progression of the project and any information I can offer to interested potential users.

    Bobbybighoof, project leader
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    Jan 31, 2014
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    Fantastic! I'm excited to watch this progress. This will be an excellent resource for people without the proper programs/program-experience to make great skins. If you ever become in need of someone with skinning experience, I'd be happy to help. Aside from that there are many fantastic skin-makers here who could also give useful tips and advice from their experience in making player skins. I'm sure I'm not the only one itching to test this editor and see it evolve!
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    Jun 22, 2013
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    This will be a really nice tool to have! Would it be possible to have the skin on the 3D model while you paint it? Might be a cool feature that would make this a super unique program.
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    Jan 22, 2014
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    While I appreciate that you are doing this, I don't really see how this can be useful. Even the narrow feature set of MS Paint will take you quite a while to implement, let alone that of real image editing tools like the GIMP. I see that it points out where each part will be rendered later, but that can be done with a single image file.
    My point being: What will make that better than any image editing tool out there?
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    Jul 21, 2013
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    While I appreciate that you are doing this, I don't really see how this can be useful. Even the narrow feature set of MS Paint will take you quite a while to implement, let alone that of real image editing tools like the GIMP. I see that it points out where each part will be rendered later, but that can be done with a single image file.
    My point being: What will make that better than any image editing tool out there?
    The templates to show what is where in the 3D model.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Will it have an option similar to MC skin editors to show a preview with the 3d model of the character?
    Aug 30, 2013
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    While I appreciate that you are doing this, I don't really see how this can be useful. Even the narrow feature set of MS Paint will take you quite a while to implement, let alone that of real image editing tools like the GIMP. I see that it points out where each part will be rendered later, but that can be done with a single image file.
    My point being: What will make that better than any image editing tool out there?

    First let me say sorry to all others who have posted and their support warrants a personal reply from me to their comment. I will get on replaying to everyone later today,

    But @ der_scheme let my fine point what looking at an image this way can do for us, and yes some of this is from looking at the old MCSkinEdit application and what was done there.

    #1 can add the math to simply compile the 4 needed images into a useable skin file for Sm
    #2 can output the image stream to be rendered in a 3D model preview of the skin. To also be used on the application.
    #3 The cover framework can be fine tuned to be as transparent as the user choses, from pure framework to none at all, and all between.
    #4 The ability to add a user developed predefined and instant apply accessories such as gloves, shoes, belts and so on.

    The list actually goes on but I don't have time to sit here and remember all my methods for art images in java so that I can list how me using them in a skin edit application would benefit the StarMade community.

    The fact is any true skin art person uses multi art programs to get the finished render they use in their skins. Some times some things are good for one thing but lousy at something else. I am sure I can't please everyone with the thought of developing this, but I am pretty sure I can do a good enough job that it will be something all SM skin art people would want in their collection of resources.

    Now we are not looking to copy or even imitate MCSkinEdit as that development truly never made it out of alpha. I am confident that we here can do just as good of a job, and much more with what skills have already been shown in this community.

    Thanks for sharing your concerns. I hope I put some of them to rest.

    Bobbybighoof, project leader
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Another little idea here: the ability to 'apply' the skin and have it automatically replace the users current skin in the StarMade folder.
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    Aug 30, 2013
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    Let me start by apologizing for the slow replay to all of these very supportive and wonderfuly insightful comment. I have both been working on the code for this idea and researching for both SMEdit and SMSkinEdit.
    I did try very hard to switch back over to the forum to just try and keep up with the interest in this project. So I was not completely un aware of the activity to it.

    /*So with all of that in mind let me begin comment replies.*/
    Looks useful and fun.
    Bonus points to whoever manages a printable template of their character as a papercraft first. (once the alpha is ready)
    :) thank you. This implies to me that we should maybe do a paper craft overlay to help this along. ;)
    Fantastic! I'm excited to watch this progress. This will be an excellent resource for people without the proper programs/program-experience to make great skins. If you ever become in need of someone with skinning experience, I'd be happy to help. Aside from that there are many fantastic skin-makers here who could also give useful tips and advice from their experience in making player skins. I'm sure I'm not the only one itching to test this editor and see it evolve!
    Wow yes I fully intend to enlist as many skin edit people to try and expand on the idea of both framework and accessories for us to be able to auto apply to skins to best fit our needs and to try and bring our community together. I know how greatly the SM Skinners community needs what I am wanting to do because it is what I need in a skin editor. Your help is always welcome. :)
    Sweet work, can't wait for it to be released!!!
    On this your going to have to do some waiting at least a few weeks to a month or so as I am in java frame work and logic math development for it. I promise to dedicate as much time as I can to this project, but as some might point out, I already do about 3 projects and run a game community who runs one of the top 10 servers on I wont let any of that be excuses for lack of progress no worries :)
    This will be a really nice tool to have! Would it be possible to have the skin on the 3D model while you paint it? Might be a cool feature that would make this a super unique program.
    Thank you :) yes an onboard 3D preview is part of the idea. It is one of the main reasons I want to take on this project as I personally would want that for skins I am working on. Even if SMSkinEdit only ever reaches preview, touch up and compress status as its main function to SM skins, I can be happy with that.
    Cool utility! Where is the source?
    For now I am on frame work and logic and will more than likely have it packaged with the SMEdit source on github. I do plan to do both a package deal with SMEdit and a stand alone, and yes it will be open source no matter where I stick it. :)
    Will there be a magic wand tool? I love that little stick! (Don't turn that into a sexual joke -_-)
    I will insure that all default art edit buttons are on the list. :)
    Another little idea here: the ability to 'apply' the skin and have it automatically replace the users current skin in the StarMade folder.
    Thanks :) I will see what we can do to insure the user has greatness at their finger tips and can get things done.

    /*end comment replies*/
    I will be updating the main post tonight with a ton more information and more ideas to ask of the community. So everyone look out for that.
    I will get the frame work and beginning logic work up on the svn ASAP, and will being setting aside a place for more in depth talks on the SMEdit home site.
    Again thanks you all for your support and for your perticipation in this project and the StarMade community. It help developers like me to know that what they do is put to use, and that people would want what we do.

    Bobbybighoof, project leader
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    Updated the main post with a screenie showing that any java image editor can compete with the big boys and with all the other features we want to work on putting in this has the potential to become the most comprehensive and required standard for all starmade skin editing. remember that all thoughts, ideas, and concerns are welcome.

    Again and always, thank you all for your support.

    Bobbybighoof, project leader
    Oct 16, 2013
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    This is great. I am glad to see people taking an active interest in what is out there and available for the StarMade community to us to improve on their game. GG
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    Aug 30, 2013
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    Will the program have 3D view of the skin while editing like this Minecraft skin editor ?
    Because StarMade skins are a lot more entense and larger than minecraft skins; that kind of development will take a long time to knock up, but I am confident that over the years we will get that. I just don't think we will have kind of development ready for the first few versions of SMSkinEdit

    We do hope to have a moving type 3D render of your work so you know what the skin will look like on your log in when in game.

    Lets see what we can come up with and go from there.