jstenholt If you feel like a post is baiting you instead of taking the flame and trying to handle it yourself use the REPORT tool and let a moderator handle the possible trolling.
Comr4de You can be helpful without being condescending. I seen you do it. I know just soft and squishy and warm you are inside and how much you WUV TO HWELP. :3 so play nice K?
Planr Two (or more) snarky posts do not a useful thread make! It's having the opposite effect it seems. So lets gat back to display blocks.
What I know about Display blocks is through trial and error. They cool tho. And an advanced Display block guide would be useful to be sure but if it doesn't exist yet then you have the chance to make a guide yourself.
Step one: Get a coupla people on board, cull the forum for all info on Display blacks, use some trial and error.
Viola! Advanced Display Block Guide by (This guy) with special thanks to (These guys).
Step two: PROFIT! (Prolly not but you helped the community and the staff always likes helpful peeps.)