Saber mentioned the sensors in the tuesday stream. the basic idea behind them is, that they emit a logic signal when triggerd. That could be speed (e.g. to deploy wings or so at a certain speed), weapons reloaded or stuff like that.randomizer and sensor, the former is a 1bit random generator (so if you connect 1 activator to 8bit randomizer you get an 8bit random generator)
for the last one I couldn't not find how it works ^^
New thruster plumes, which change colour and show up through ice.
I don't understand what it is supposed to do at all.Saber mentioned the sensors in the tuesday stream. the basic idea behind them is, that they emit a logic signal when triggerd. That could be speed (e.g. to deploy wings or so at a certain speed), weapons reloaded or stuff like that.
The plumes don't exactly scale, but having that many exposed thruster blocks means that you will have an immensely huge glow coming out the aft of your ship from all the individual thruster effects stacking on top of one another.oh ok
does the thruster plums scale ? 'cause I have a ship wich has about 200k / 300k visible thruster right and it would be awesome f it can do so xD
it doesn't scale in the z-axis if you mean that, but due to the nature that the plumes are now big glowing clouds they look as one, when the thrusters are groupedoh ok
does the thruster plums scale ? 'cause I have a ship wich has about 200k / 300k visible thruster right and it would be awesome f it can do so xD