Again if you don't know what your fighting before you get to the fight, you have already lost part of the information battle. That is on the player for not doing their homework on the enemy.
As for mass being "Invisible" have you ever considered opening up the Nav before your fully engaged in battle? It tells you right there how massive a ship is. And you can see your mass at any time in build mode. There is no reason a person shouldn't know their own mass within a reasonable margin of error. Knowing both your mass and the enemies mass means you can make an informed decision on how much combat potential each ship has. Is their ship the same size as you but has +20% mass? Then they may well have 120% of your combat potential. Then you can ether run, or fight. But its not like you have no idea which ship has an advantage.
With the crew update eventually ships of a certain size and up will likely have interior space for crew, and crew workstations. Sure RP ships may have more of them, but you have already bridged a huge part of the gap.
Another point RP ships have in their favor is that IF the builder made the ship well, then they would have placed rooms, halls, and other spaces in such a way that they better protect the vital systems. Spaced armor is a thing. and hallways and rooms in a ship can ADD to its survivability. But the builder has to be competent enough to plan out the entire ship in advance. Or at least understand where it would be most functional to place rooms.
Last Minute Edit:
Other things you can view to know if you stand a chance. When your targeting a ship (its selected from your nav) you also see:
- The power Cap
- The Max AHP
- The Max SHP
- The Max Shields
Those all help determine weather or not you should fight or turn tail and run. So there is no excuse for not using mass and those other stats that you can see. They are NOT invisible.