Docked Entities Transported About 2.5km Away

    Jan 14, 2016
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    This is now becoming a major headache!

    I dock my ship. Exit the core. I can now pass through the ship like I am in build mode though I am actually in astronaut mode. I am now 2.5km or there abouts away from where I docked to.

    Spawn in a ship core, fly "home" delete the dock I am "docked" to. Fly out of the sector. Wait a while. Fly back to the ship. Enter the ship normally again and fly home.

    It sometimes takes me several attempt to dock a ship to my station and not be dumped out into space randomly.

    Getting rather fed up of this!!!!


    Crazy Cat Lady
    Apr 6, 2015
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    I had something like this happen the other day when I was docking some drones in my asteroid themed station, one was "docked" but physically appeared a sector or so over, but somehow still obstructed the rail it was docked to. Activated it's docking module and after it disconnects it's still in the same spot far from the base. Haven't had anything else like that happen, but it's rather odd. Back in the old days I used to get one more similar to your experience, exiting the core would end up teleporting you a bit of a distance. This is one of those bugs that's hard not to notice so hopefully it'll get fixed in the next update or hotfix or whatever. One of the downsides to playing a developing game, but I'm not quite patient enough to wait!~
    Jan 14, 2016
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    I haven't seen it in the bug tracker but it depends how it is listed. It did happen to me at one of my previous stations. I ended up having to delete the entire station before it would release! I wouldn't have minded too much but I had just been "shopping" and the cargo hold was full of goodies that I couldn't get to.

    I have three ships that I use on a regular basis and it happened to all of them, even when docking to the shipyard anchor!

    I may have to post this as a bug later today.
    Jul 17, 2013
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    are you sure the station you are docking to isnt crossing a sector border anywhere? ... or the entity you are docking isnt crossing a sector border when docked ?
    Jan 14, 2016
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    are you sure the station you are docking to isnt crossing a sector border anywhere? ... or the entity you are docking isnt crossing a sector border when docked ?
    Mmm! I'm a bit worried now you have said that.

    The other day I was working at one end of the station when I was suddenly disconnected from my personal cargo.

    It would seem that you have hit the nail on the head. I will have to check properly later but I may have to move the station!
    Aug 14, 2013
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    are you sure the station you are docking to isnt crossing a sector border anywhere? ... or the entity you are docking isnt crossing a sector border when docked ?
    Every time I've seen this problem this is the culprit. I've even seen it happen when I was docking to a ship that was at the edge of a sector. Of course all I had to do was move the ship and problem solved.
    Jan 14, 2016
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    I cannot thank you enough for helping me solve this problem. On closer examination I had indeed built the entire station on the border between two sectors!

    The station was within about 8-10 blocks of being exactly split in half! In fact, my shipyard computer was in a different sector to my shipyard! Half of my planned cargo space was in that sector too and I had plans for an automated section which would have seen entities passing over this border, potentially several times during the cycle. I can only imagine the frustration I was letting myself in for and no doubt there would have been some quantum anomaly at some point that would have caused the station to have imploded and forming a wormhole to the abyss!!!

    I have torn down the station and moved a couple of sectors over. Theoretically, a stationary jump would plop me in the middle of the target sector and the HUD showed a number of adjacent sectors that were within 0.2km from each other so hopefully it will be fine!

    Thanks again and I hope this serves as a warning to others!
    Jul 17, 2013
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    to place a station inside a sector use the /teleport_selected command
    that can be used savely to place the station at 0 0 0 inside a sector
    Jan 14, 2016
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    to place a station inside a sector use the /teleport_selected command
    that can be used savely to place the station at 0 0 0 inside a sector
    Thanks but I doubt that command is available on multiplayer server though.