Term 3 Council Applications Now Open!


    Count Duku
    Sep 4, 2013
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    • Schine
    EDIT: Applications are now closed!

    Apply here!

    Greetings Citizens,

    Applications for the third term of the Council of Intergalactic Representatives are now open! Applications will close on the 15th of May, at 1:30 AM UTC.

    The voting site is planned to be opened on the 16th of May, at 1:30 AM UTC and new councillors should be announced on the 29th of May.

    For the past few months, we've been discussing some changes to the election and voting process. We've also been considering some changes to council rules and a number of other things. Recently, a popular discussion/poll about restricting voting to only purchased users has arisen. We have decided as a team to implement some of these proposals for Term 3; changes have been listed below.

    Changes to the Council
    • We have decided to change the number of councillors from 7 to 5. After evaluating our past two councils, we believe that seven is too many. We will be evaluating five councillors over the next term and will keep an eye out for any decrease in productivity.
    • Council voting will require the user to have purchased the game; this is to make it harder for fraudulent voting to occur. However, there are no restrictions on applying to the Council. The upcoming elections will be a test run for this new requirement.
    • Backwards tie-breaking will be used instead of the previous forwards tie-breaking method implemented.

    Here are a few things that you need to know before applying:
    • Anyone can apply! You don't need to be registered on StarMade Dock to apply. However, we recommend doing so. As we link forum accounts to the applications and it's common for applicants to open a thread for questions in the council forum.
    • Schine has the right to accept or deny any application put forward.
    • All council discussion (including promotions), should take place in the Council section.
    • Comments on applications are disabled; applications will be locked.
    • All warning points, inactive or active will be posted on an applicant's application.
    • Everyone has the same application format. However, that does not mean you can't incorporate content/responses that are not in the questions.
    • Answer honestly, lying will probably result in disqualification and possible restrictions.
    • Take the application seriously! We (Schine) will reject any application that does not meet the standards we expect from a Councillor.
    • Read the Council Terms and Conditions

    What is the Council?

    The Council is a community elected group who seek opinions from the community on ideas/suggestions, issues, and concerns. The council presents all this data and opinion to the dev team to better understand what our users want for StarMade and have the benefit of different perspectives on various features/topics. The council has a bunch of other tasks and projects they work on; you can find out more information on the council info page and the original council announcement thread.

    Thanks for playing StarMade, and fly safe!

    - The Schine Team
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    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Off to a good start!


    Count Duku
    Sep 4, 2013
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    • Schine

    Off to a good start!
    That field is for people who are not registered on this site, it's intentional. You do not have to put it in if you are logged in, there should now be a description on this question explaining this.
    Apr 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
    Very looking forward to seeing who will apply and how this term goes.

    Potential candidates begin convincing me why I should support you. (Aka hit me with the propaganda and pandering)
    Oct 22, 2014
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
    Yay, I'll just stay off the site till the 29th. I don't give a crap who gets elected.
    Feb 22, 2015
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    Just to verify, the voting page has been adjusted?
    Either a longer time out, or no more random sorting?

    Edit: not a shorter time out, a longer one. whoops.
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    Press F to pay respects
    Feb 17, 2015
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    Any specific reason or instance to decide to go from 7 to 5 councilors? Too many cooks? Was it like herding cats?
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    Count Duku
    Sep 4, 2013
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    • Schine
    Any specific reason or instance to decide to go from 7 to 5 councilors?
    With the Council's current workload, there just isn't enough content to go through that would require seven council members to be working. We've noticed that four to five councillors manage to get things done, and the rest don't have enough content to get truly invested. Seeing as how five councillors can complete the workload set, it doesn't make much sense to keep seven. We think reducing the number of councillors to five, will allow us to manage the team better. This way we'll be better able to keep an eye on the activity of individual members, and other members will only have to get the attention of four other persons instead of six. Meetings should be easier to organise as well, as we'll only have five possible timezones and schedules to keep in mind instead of seven.

    We may just find out that we're wrong in this observation, which is fine. If we conclude that we have too little Councillors, we can address that in the next term.

    Criss may have some other reasons to list as well.


    Count Duku
    Sep 4, 2013
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    • Schine
    Just to verify, the voting page has been adjusted?
    Either a longer time out, or no more random sorting?
    Yep, we'll be looking into the timeout. I believe we fixed the issue back then, not sure, though. If we haven't, it should be fixed before elections begin.

    We will have the order of councillors randomized based on the voter's user ID. Meaning that it's still random, but the same order for the user every time. We'll also have a search function for the page, so you can just type the name in, instead of looking for it.
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    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
    Oct 13, 2013
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    We have decided to change the number of councillors from 7 to 5. After evaluating our past two councils, we believe that seven is too many. We will be evaluating five councillors over the next term and will keep an eye out for any decrease in productivity.
    Well now HolyCookie will have to crop his sig gif. :rolleyes::p
    Apr 21, 2016
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    how disappointing that i never will able to enter my ships in a contest but its going to be cool to see the next updates for starmade
    Nov 30, 2015
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    I will vote for anyone who says they will start Chris's thread up again!:p


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    vote deb for council, you'll only regret it a little bit I swear.

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