Things You Never Use


    Oct 30, 2015
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    1. Have you ever heard of configs?

    2. Shipyards are great for mass production and they don't need shops or total rebuilding to repair.
    1) I am not exploring configs yet. I am focused on the vanilla game.

    2) I did use a shipyard to repair a large frigate once, but it had many of the same glitches ( as when spawning in a Shipyard) after it was finished. I can't remember if I had to buff-out the scratches with an Astro-Tech ship but I do remember that it was not a simple or effective...or satisfying experience. :mad:

    On a more positive note: kudos to Schine for the mighty Blue Print! It is an elegant tool to save, copy, paste and most importantly...share our builds. BPs protect our intellectual investments in our ships and allow us to share what we make, not just on our server but among the entire SM community. Think on that for a minute. Can anyone name a game that had that nailed down in the Alpha? Groundbreaking stuff. :D
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    Nov 30, 2015
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    On a more positive note: kudos to Schine for the mighty Blue Print! It is an elegant tool to save, copy, paste and most importantly...share our builds. BPs protect our intellectual investments in our ships and allow us to share what we make, not just on our server but among the entire SM community. Think on that for a minute. Can anyone name a game that had that nailed down in the Alpha? Groundbreaking stuff. :D
    I totally agree, but later in the game I would like there to be a server setting limiting blueprints to only shipyard use(they would function as designs) instead of being able to BP any ship anywhere. I'm not sure if they weigh much either.


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    1. Have you ever heard of configs?
    Back in the not so olden days of D&D 3rd Edition, there was Rule 0 which stated that the DM can change any rule they want.

    Often times when an exploit or the like with the RAW (Rules As Written) was pointed out, people would point to Rule 0.

    A poster by the name of Oberroni pointed out that just because Rule 0 existed to fix it didn't mean it wasn't broken in the first place.

    It became known as the Oberroni Fallacy.

    I think that it applies here as well. Just because you can fix it in the config doesn't mean it wasn't broken to start with.
    Feb 16, 2015
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    I rarely if ever use decorative blocks. I like the look of them, and I would use them, but:
    A) I am usually doing a fast job or want to make quick repairs and care more about functionality than style
    B) Once I do get things functional, than I might do looks.
    C) Wait no never mind, there are pirates
    D) They blew my ship to pieces
    I don't use decorative blocks on many of my ships for exactly that reason. My ships are usually fast, cheap and ugly. Also, I'm careless about smaller ships. I don't do many big builds because I want to explore. If I do build a big ship, it's usually slow and pretty bad (I'm very impatient).
    I also don't use the logic modules that much, although I would really like to. That's mainly because I didn't learn how to use them well.

    Side note: I've been playing Starmade for several years now, and I get nostalgic for the old days sometimes (back when they had those really great hull textures that looked like plates of armour, and when the Bobby A.I. modules had faces with beards on them). If someone could point me in the direction of a download or something of the old texture pack (pre launcher move), that would be great thanks.
    I agree with astrotech being a waste of a block right now, I was envisioning a LOT more usefulness from it than it has been relegated to. I think astrotech will have to wait for "core imprinting" or whatever they're calling the saved blueprint in the core thingy they're planning. perhapse we can just feed it raw resources and it will "build" the damaged and missing blocks with them?
    I have in the past considered building tubes/docks out of astrotech beams/hulls and used those to repair ships after mall skirmishes. You just fly in there, dock, get out, go over to the core, get in and fire the astrotech beams at the ship if these are all pointed inwards. Unfortunately, these tubes would be power hungry monsters I believe.
    Jul 29, 2013
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    The crafting system.

    While it's way better than it used to be, I still maintain that it is overly bloated, I'm citing the paint system in particular.
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    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    The crafting system.

    While it's way better than it used to be, I still maintain that it is overly bloated, I'm citing the paint system in particular.
    Colored armor is a lot better now than it used to be, and buying blocks from shops is still a trap option, but I do have to agree on the basic principle.

    It is a pain in the ass to use the shipyard to fully build your ship, have all the materials you need to build every part of the ship, and then spend the next hour running back and forth between the shipyard computer and the factories to see what you need to run off exactly 3 of before it'll finish your build.
    Nov 30, 2015
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    Colored armor is a lot better now than it used to be, and buying blocks from shops is still a trap option, but I do have to agree on the basic principle.

    It is a pain in the ass to use the shipyard to fully build your ship, have all the materials you need to build every part of the ship, and then spend the next hour running back and forth between the shipyard computer and the factories to see what you need to run off exactly 3 of before it'll finish your build.
    May I introduce you to:Recognized - Raw Resources used in Shipyard BP Construction
    I like my idea best, but something like the general concept would help a ton.


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    I have in the past considered building tubes/docks out of astrotech beams/hulls and used those to repair ships after mall skirmishes. You just fly in there, dock, get out, go over to the core, get in and fire the astrotech beams at the ship if these are all pointed inwards. Unfortunately, these tubes would be power hungry monsters I believe.
    Yeah, you only have to look at my neutral station submission from a while back to see the insane power requirements of astrotech. And that was only a single ring, an entire tube would
    Sep 6, 2015
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    Does anyone use the green and white hazard blocks? I find them kinda ugly, but maybe someone else has a good use for them.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Does anyone use the green and white hazard blocks? I find them kinda ugly, but maybe someone else has a good use for them.
    I use them for the interior of airlocks sometimes.
    Sep 6, 2015
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    @Lecic Do you have screen shots of that? I'm curious to see how you use it and what it looks like.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Lecic Do you have screen shots of that? I'm curious to see how you use it and what it looks like.

    I'm no interior design master, but I think it looks good. I find it's a good way to indicate hazards without the annoyingly bright yellow hazard that pulls attention away from the rest of the details.
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    Sep 6, 2015
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    I'm no interior design master, but I think it looks good. I find it's a good way to indicate hazards without the annoyingly bright yellow hazard that pulls attention away from the rest of the details.
    I like the way it looks under the dim light. Guess it's not as bad as I thought. Not sure I'm a believe in it yet, but maybe it has a use or two. Thanks for showing me :cool:
    Nov 30, 2015
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    Does anyone use the green and white hazard blocks? I find them kinda ugly, but maybe someone else has a good use for them.
    Although a lot of people don't think about this, the stripes can be put in quite a variety of ways if you orient the block right. You can make diagonal lines or lightning marks on the outer hull.