My first Fighter [With photos :D]

    Jan 9, 2015
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    this fighter is fast really fast rate of fire but does 5-10 damage...


    where the camra block is will be replaces with a chair for the NPC

    here is will a bed will be

    and here is where all other needs may be eta frig for food (?) exercise stuff (?)

    and a faction module and bobby AI!

    this fighter was created to be cheep and can be easily produced in the mass for when fleet controls come so i can make a Fighter fleet of 40 fighters attack a pirate station buy stuff for miners create a auto factory + shipyard

    will be fun!

    EDIT: when its firing

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    Dec 3, 2013
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    I gotta say, its better then my first fighter ship. Mine was just systems blocks everywhere and zero shields. I may have been shot out of spawn by a single Isanth... Not the new ones ether, this was before the weapon/shields updates.

    If the ship only does 1-2 damage per shot though, you may want to add more cannons. You may find it hard to fight pirates 1v1 like that.
    Jan 9, 2015
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    I gotta say, its better then my first fighter ship. Mine was just systems blocks everywhere and zero shields. I may have been shot out of spawn by a single Isanth... Not the new ones ether, this was before the weapon/shields updates.

    If the ship only does 1-2 damage per shot though, you may want to add more cannons. You may find it hard to fight pirates 1v1 like that.
    this fighter is built for Fleet controls AKA to only attack in swarms not 1v1

    EDIT: i had 20 of them fight a Pirate station and the shielding went down faster then you can say CURSE YOU PARRY THE PLATYPUS!


    then the pirate ships started destroying the fighters cause the bobby AI ignored the pirate ships...

    so when attacking a station il need 40 fighters.. 20 for the station

    20 to destroy pirate ships
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    Feb 17, 2015
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    You should have a bunch of your fighters vs a bunch of my fighters er, strike craft, and see who wins!
    It is really effective in swarms of 20's! :D

    Washtenaw Heavy Skirmisher -Public Release-
    (yes going around and activating their defensive effects one by one is a pain in the butt but AI can't turn them on by themselves yet. :/
    The AI wont be able to use the shield drain either, but thats less of an issue than the armor defensive effects basically being required to be on ;))
    (tip: shoot them in the sides, where the armor is basically one layer of hull, aka non-existent, to get some easy kills)
    Jan 9, 2015
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    You should have a bunch of your fighters vs a bunch of my fighters er, strike craft, and see who wins!
    It is really effective in swarms of 20's! :D

    Washtenaw Heavy Skirmisher -Public Release-
    (yes going around and activating their defensive effects one by one is a pain in the butt but AI can't turn them on by themselves yet. :/
    The AI wont be able to use the shield drain either, but thats less of an issue than the armor defensive effects basically being required to be on ;))
    (tip: shoot them in the sides, where the armor is basically one layer of hull, aka non-existent, to get some easy kills)
    my fighters has no shielding :p i created them to be cheep to be created can deal good damage and can be mass produces

    EDIT: how would i spawn 20 of them with pirates controlling them?
    Jan 9, 2015
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    You should have a bunch of your fighters vs a bunch of my fighters er, strike craft, and see who wins!
    It is really effective in swarms of 20's! :D

    Washtenaw Heavy Skirmisher -Public Release-
    (yes going around and activating their defensive effects one by one is a pain in the butt but AI can't turn them on by themselves yet. :/
    The AI wont be able to use the shield drain either, but thats less of an issue than the armor defensive effects basically being required to be on ;))
    (tip: shoot them in the sides, where the armor is basically one layer of hull, aka non-existent, to get some easy kills)
    welp i can't test it anymore then i have.. but...

    it seems every blast from your ships miss my fighters and my fighters are not doing enough damage to your ships..

    howaver if this was fleet controls then i would have all fighters target one ship at a time cause when one got in range my fighters started to trair it down. then the other 19 and the fighters started to spraid out then one of your ships target me and yaaaaaa....
    Nov 30, 2015
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    How did you change the camera angle on your ship in the last photo, where you will firing?

    How can you only have 7 damge per shot? Do you only have 7 cannon primary blocks? Even if you're only using them as swarmers, with that size ship(and with the power recharge I can see from the pictures) you should eb able to support at least 20-30 on te primary system, much better than the seven you have now. Did you have a bunch of outputs instead of one or two? Unless you have very big(in the hundreds) damage per shot you sould always keep it to 1 or 2 (or 3, if style demands it). More groups means greater power usage as well.

    Consider another weapons system, like a missile system of some sort(besides missile/missile, never do that one with swarmers), I would recomend a missile system with a beam computer conected to it with no beam modules, you'll get the lockon wothout the long reload or power usage. Good for the need of alpha damage or faster targets.

    I looked at your stats in the first picture, you have 22,000 recharge so you can support just about any cannon system you put on that. You should replace the power cap blocks with shields, you wouldn't need them because of the starting 50,000. Why is your AI actually visable drom te outside? Especially on an unshielded ship, thats probably why you lost vs. the pirate station.

    I like the engine design, maybe with some lights on the edges. The front part(besides the cockpit, which is very good(for me), but the very front and cannon barrels could be smoother. What is the very front arrow thing below th cockpit? Your ship might look better without it, and it looks like it could only hold one layer of system blocks between the hull.

    Lots of interior and really good stats for such a small ship, just adding some shields and maybe boosting the weapons a bit would make this a prime fighter.
    Jan 9, 2015
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    How did you change the camera angle on your ship in the last photo, where you will firing?

    How can you only have 7 damge per shot? Do you only have 7 cannon primary blocks? Even if you're only using them as swarmers, with that size ship(and with the power recharge I can see from the pictures) you should eb able to support at least 20-30 on te primary system, much better than the seven you have now. Did you have a bunch of outputs instead of one or two? Unless you have very big(in the hundreds) damage per shot you sould always keep it to 1 or 2 (or 3, if style demands it). More groups means greater power usage as well.

    Consider another weapons system, like a missile system of some sort(besides missile/missile, never do that one with swarmers), I would recomend a missile system with a beam computer conected to it with no beam modules, you'll get the lockon wothout the long reload or power usage. Good for the need of alpha damage or faster targets.

    I looked at your stats in the first picture, you have 22,000 recharge so you can support just about any cannon system you put on that. You should replace the power cap blocks with shields, you wouldn't need them because of the starting 50,000. Why is your AI actually visable drom te outside? Especially on an unshielded ship, thats probably why you lost vs. the pirate station.

    I like the engine design, maybe with some lights on the edges. The front part(besides the cockpit, which is very good(for me), but the very front and cannon barrels could be smoother. What is the very front arrow thing below th cockpit? Your ship might look better without it, and it looks like it could only hold one layer of system blocks between the hull.

    Lots of interior and really good stats for such a small ship, just adding some shields and maybe boosting the weapons a bit would make this a prime fighter.

    thanks for the info! i will do more testing to see if i can do that much damage and can still fire really fast..

    1. i took the last photo by first holding left shift then zooming out then holding right shift to look around then as i was firing i hit print screen

    2. well il try and reconnect some cannons..but it looks like this

    2 = cannon computer 2
    1 = cannon compsuter 1 (they are connected together)

    2 2 2 1 1 1 = berral set up for all cannons

    3. missiles can be shotown...+ cannons can be very fast at fireing!

    4. il replace the power with shielding...maybe