Not to mention still showing up on radar.Oh, something I never use.
If I can't make a klingon Bird of Prey or a romulan Warbird style cloaked ship, I'm not interested. I don't want some piddly little "reactor lines, thrusters, and cloaker" ship because the power requirements are so insane that you can't afford to even put basic hull on the ship and still get your perma-cloak to work.
I do hope they'll fix it up properly by making it a cloaking computer AND modules, so at least the power consumption will become reasonable.
You can achieve decent stealth by using black blocks, the jammer, and keeping the local star behind you. That way you present a very dark profile and you're not on their hud as a flashing red triangle. If they don't see your weapon fire... you can get in some good fire before they can retaliate.