Some Blocks Not Rotating With Rest of Template

    Jan 14, 2016
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    I am in the process of building a station and in my design I have four USDs on four sides of the central core. The first one pasted in fine from a template but I noticed that when I rotated it to paste it to the other side, the rail docker, rail basic and public permission blocks didn't rotate with the rest of it.

    Is this a known bug or simply "user error".

    If I have to amend each one manually after pasting I may as well redesign the station where all the docking is on one side and redesign all my ships to fit.
    Aug 24, 2013
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    Turning on the "mirror cubes" option in advanced build mode should do the trick.

    EDIT: Maybe not, just realized that you're rotating them, not using symmetry. Try anyway, I guess, but it might not help in this case.
    Jan 14, 2016
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    Turning on the "mirror cubes" option in advanced build mode should do the trick.

    EDIT: Maybe not, just realized that you're rotating them, not using symmetry. Try anyway, I guess, but it might not help in this case.
    Thanks, I will try it however, as you said, I did think about using symmetry and building the two opposite docks simultaneously. The only downside would be the logic connections which would have to be done dock by dock, but this was the bit I was trying to avoid by using a template.
    Jan 14, 2016
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    I have just tried it and as suspected the Mirror Cubes option has no effect.

    It would appear that rotating the dock horizontally leaves the docking and permission blocks in the original orientation (ie. They don't rotate with the rest of the blocks). The logic blocks look a little odd too but I didn't think these were rotatable so maybe this is just an optical illusion?

    Once the blocks have been replaced manually and the logic link to the rail basic is restored, the USD "seems" to function as normal, it is just an inconvenience to have to do this every time, especially as i have modified my version with gravity and extra doors, etc.