Is this game dead?


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
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    It's not only a door opener, it's, as you said, an auto-gravity generator, a propulsor, auto-salvager, light system, lock system, and so many more things we have yet to discover. But people like him have to practically call it shit because they can't find enough uses for it. His post was just insulting towards the hard work schema put into giving us a logic system for us to play with.

    Yes of course it could do with more features but it's not a fancy door opener.
    Auto-salvager? Are you joking? Salvage beams only properly work if a player is controlling them. You can say that once we can link plex storages to salvage computers.

    I never said the system was shit. No one has said the system was shit. We just need to be able to use it for more practical, survival, and battle functions.

    Anyway, we should be able to do the propulsor thing without needing to stuff our ships with push and pull modules.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Auto-salvager? Are you joking? Salvage beams only properly work if a player is controlling them. You can say that once we can link plex storages to salvage computers.

    I never said the system was shit. No one has said the system was shit. We just need to be able to use it for more practical, survival, and battle functions.

    Anyway, we should be able to do the propulsor thing without needing to stuff our ships with push and pull modules.
    Yep. Thrust should be logic-toggleable, and the push module trick, which doesn't amount to much more than the starship equivalent of an amusing party trick, doesn't change that.
    Oct 8, 2013
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    I know enough about you to see that you just don't like the logic system.
    Again making claims you made up out of thin air. Stop being such a dense ass.

    The only part where I agree with you is that the game needs feedback, ...

    If you want to give constructive feedback, cool, but when you say things that just are not true you will always get an answer of somebody who knows the facts.
    Feedback is feedback, negative or positive it's feedback. The way you present it makes the difference. In my case I just pointed out what it is atm in a nutshell. It's you that went full drama queen.

    ..., but it's not like you gave ideas of blocks to improve the logic system.
    True, but I would rather have it optimized first with the addition for it to be put in the pilots hotbar.

    And that my system activates a door doesn't mean that it's a door opener. If you think that that's the only thing that creation does you've clearly not understood it, which is (coincidence?) what happens with you and the logic system in general too.
    Excuse me. Your 'gate' opener can turn on lights aswell, has a deadlock on the doors when X lights are burning and hopefully has a reset. Happy?

    "Fancy door opener" ...It's a shame that a feature that requires that much originality and clear thinking gets criticized in such insulting ways.
    Little big planet had it, lots of games most likely had ... they teach you this stuff in your first class of electro/mecanics ... everybody can work with it as it's based on logic ...

    But people like him have to practically call it shit because they can't find enough uses for it.
    I didn't call it shit, I called it what it was and said why.

    His post was just insulting towards the hard work schema put into giving us a logic system for us to play with.
    It was 'neutral' feedback, a collection of facts. It wasn't insulting in any way, just you going full drama queen making stuff up along the way.
    May 25, 2013
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    Excuse me. Your 'gate' opener can turn on lights aswell, has a deadlock on the doors when X lights are burning and hopefully has a reset. Happy?
    Thanks for proving my point. I rest my case.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    After reading *most* other the posts in this thread

    Logic- this is a great system they have implemented for one reason: SIMPLICITY, if you understand basic logic you can create amazing things/systems ( Minecraft's bane-of-many-players, redstone, is even more simplistic and look what people, with time, do with that)

    AI- the AI needs a MAJOR update this is well know and if you ask me we should have more then one type(guess I'm off to the suggestion forum), such as once for turrets one for ships, etc.

    The Community- yes the community is limited and I admit I left for abit, as far as the Yogscast is concerned it is likely they won't do any play-thoughs till its closer or in Beta, BUT perhaps they will do a "update spotlight".

    This game is amazing and improves with every update, I can't wait to see where it goes!
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I don't think it's dead. I think it's hibernating, till more content is in and bugs mostly fixed, when it becomes stable enough to support an actual playerbase. Beta phase is what I mean.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    I am going to post this in the suggestions thread, but how do you guys feel about Steam? I feel like tons of other games similar to this are doing really fucking good on Steam. This game is perfect for it, and would DEFINITELY help the game grow. What do you guys think the good and bad parts about Steam would be? And obviously we aren't talking about right this instance.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Just saw that actually. Well holy crap, that's pretty exciting. Is there any new estimate on when it's coming to Steam?

    When we know it's not just going to die there too.

    Guncraft looked pretty promising, but they released on Steam too early, and ended up losing the vast majority of their community (as in, 20ish people play it anymore in total)
    Jun 22, 2013
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    When we know it's not just going to die there too.

    Guncraft looked pretty promising, but they released on Steam too early, and ended up losing the vast majority of their community (as in, 20ish people play it anymore in total)
    Guncraft's dev team made some big fuck-ups though, and sandbox games on steam usually get really good reactions. I think people on Steam will love this game as long as it updates enough. I can't put my finger on it, but I remember the Guncraft team fucked up pretty bad in terms of media, like banning people on the forum for giving bad reviews. I doubt anything like that will happen with Starmade.

    Although, I agree. There's only one shot to get a playerbase on steam and it has to be planned carefully. Once a server browser gets implemented and the massive lag you get while in combat gets fixed, the game will be ready for steam.
    Sep 28, 2013
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    I was someone who for a while, stopped playing Starmade. I was playing on a multiplayer server that had several regular players. What ended up happening though was a combination of things.

    I was playing mostly during the Christmas holidays so when they ended, I had less time to play. The other thing was learning that there would be a new weapons system that would mean refitting the fleet I was building. I did not see any point in playing if I had to then spend more time changing my ships. Having multiple bugs effect the game also lowered my will to play.

    Currently I am getting back into Starmade but it is hard to commit when things like thrust dramatically change such that I have to drastically change my space craft. Bugs are still effecting me, random crashes, and having the server that I play on reset every few hours because of serialisation errors.

    It is alpha so now is the time to make changes. I would much prefer big changes now, rather then later when I have a lot built. For instances, I like the new weapon changes. What we can build now is much better then before.

    In order to get onto steam, I would recommend that the game becomes more stable, and has no more drastic changes. The game will also need a proper main menu. The game will also need a nicer introduction for newbies.
    Aug 15, 2013
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    Guncraft's dev team made some big fuck-ups though, and sandbox games on steam usually get really good reactions. I think people on Steam will love this game as long as it updates enough. I can't put my finger on it, but I remember the Guncraft team fucked up pretty bad in terms of media, like banning people on the forum for giving bad reviews. I doubt anything like that will happen with Starmade.

    Although, I agree. There's only one shot to get a playerbase on steam and it has to be planned carefully. Once a server browser gets implemented and the massive lag you get while in combat gets fixed, the game will be ready for steam.
    Idea of getting it on steam is pretty good for example space engineers he's right sandbox games even in alpha stage are realy liked.
    Aug 23, 2013
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    Idea of getting it on steam is pretty good for example space engineers he's right sandbox games even in alpha stage are realy liked.
    Getting the game on Steam is a good idea in general. The problem is "when".

    If you put it on Steam now then a lot of people will look at it, get all excited, play it for 2 weeks, give up, and then never touch the game again. It's an excellent way of destroying StarMade's future.

    More sensible would be to wait until the game goes "beta" (e.g. all the main features implemented, working and balanced). That way you make the most of the initial attention - more people looking at it and playing the game much much longer.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Excuse me. Your 'gate' opener can turn on lights aswell, has a deadlock on the doors when X lights are burning and hopefully has a reset. Happy?
    Thanks for proving my point. I rest my case.
    That doesn't prove anything but that it is indeed... a fancy door opener that also can be a light switch. His point is that the logic system doesn't really do anything particularly unique and useful (the one current exception being the new docking integration. That's good.) :\


    Aug 30, 2013
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    Yep. Thrust should be logic-toggleable, and the push module trick, which doesn't amount to much more than the starship equivalent of an amusing party trick, doesn't change that.
    That's false. It lets me screw around my ship as it flies me indefinitely.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    That's false. It lets me screw around my ship as it flies me indefinitely.
    ...Um, first question, how big is your ship. Second question, how fast does it let you go?


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    Sep 6, 2013
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    For me, I'm currently at "wait mode" with the game.
    The latest violent changes forces me to refit and change completely all the active ships I have from my personal fleet. That's a total of 10 active ships of varied sizes (Dropship Utility, Pegasus Fighter, Orion Fighter, Archangel Corvette, Watchdog Frigate, Corsair Frigate, Battleaxe Cruiser, Avenger Battlecruiser, Kodiak Dreadnought, Crawler Utility Mobile Base Titan), without counting the ones I was in the middle of construction.

    Since everything is possible to change and my time is short, I will just sit and wait things to get more "stable" before putting my hands and my efforts at work. I guess all the other big-scale builders are on this mood as well.
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    Jul 21, 2013
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    this game needs a general & multiplayer optimization greater than anyone can imagine.... not this balance crap every update.. it's 0.15 alpha for christ's sake, build a really good, optimized and stable core before you start balancing shield recharge rate...

    open alpha where you want to meet the players' needs and develop the core of the game at the same time is not a job for 1 developer
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