Recognized Display Module

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I'd like to see Display Modules have the option to see power and shields displayed as a percentage as well as solid numbers :p

    And when connected to a factory, I'd like to see them show the selected product, recipe and amount of produced units in their inventory (as variables you put in yourself or automated) :)
    Sep 1, 2015
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    Great idea! I too would like to see a ton of options added to display modules. For instance, I think it would be nice if one could link one to a camera and then see the camera view from the display module.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Hopefully maybe they will also accept some basic math at some point as well... We can show max shields and current shields but with some basic math you could easily show percent shields and how much shields have been lost.
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    Sep 1, 2015
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    Hopefully maybe they will also accept some basic math at some point as well... We can show max shields and current shields but with some basic math you could easily show percent shields and how much shields have been lost.
    This idea is key to enabling a plethora of possibilities!


    May 24, 2015
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    I'm pretty sure Schema has confirmed that this will happen. I think it was during the Q&A where he confirmed that this was something he had planned.
    I think it's going to be some kind of mark up language or LUA scripting or something. Not sure. I also don't think it's very high on the priority list.


    Join the Dark Side
    Aug 21, 2015
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    Hopefully maybe they will also accept some basic math at some point as well... We can show max shields and current shields but with some basic math you could easily show percent shields and how much shields have been lost.
    Math is essential. Perhaps something like $calc(%variable1% - %variable2% + %variable3% * (%variable4% + %variable5%)), also %INT(), $round(), etc.

    I also suggest having a variable for every stat of the ship that is currently available in the DEL menu. And in addition, add local variables, which return values for systems the display module is connected to. For example, if you connect a display module to a damage beam computer, the variable %Modules% returns the amount of damage beam modules connected to it. %damage% is the average damage per shot (added together, in the case of damage beam). %damage(1)% is the damage value of the first group per shot. %damage(2)% is the damage of the second group (if there is a second group, otherwise it returns nothing). Other examples of local variables would be, %reloadtime%, %Groupings%, %cooltime% (this would give a value between 1 and 100 for the percentage left to recharge on weapons or charged for a scanner/jump computer). For the sake of clarity, I would suggest limiting the number of of weapons/effect/whatever computers the display module can connect to be only 1.

    If we want to go even further, we can have a scripting system as well. There could be "If/than/else/elseif", "for" loops, custom variables, and perhaps even functions (or methods as they are called in java). Though I think custom variables and functions should be set or scripted in a new block called a "Computer" and NOT in a display module. The display module would need to connect to a computer in order to call the function or custom variable. All functions would need to return a value in order to work - it could even be a blank value.

    For example, when using a computer, you would have different tabs available to edit. One is the "variables" tab. In that, you can type something like "MyVariable=Word" or MyVariable=$calc(%shieldCap%-%shields). Then in an attached display module, the player can simply type "%MyVariable%" for it to return whatever it is set to, calculating the value if it need be.
    Another example would be if a player opens up a computer, switches to the "Functions" tab, and creates a function. Here would be an example script that would be designed to display different info, depending on the state of the shields.

    1. The player places a computer, opens the computer an adds the following to the "functions" tab:
    If $calc(%shieldCap%-%Shields%) == 0 {
    Then { return "SHIELDS ARE DOWN" }
    ElseIf $calc(%shields%/%shieldCap%) < 1 { return "Shields are at: " $int($calc(%shields% / %shieldCap%))
    Else { return "SHIELDS ARE FULL! YAY!" }
    2. The player places a display module and connects it to the computer.
    3. The player edits the text of the display module and types in simply: $MyScript

    The result would be that the display module shows "SHIELDS ARE DOWN" if the shields are at 0. If somewhere in between full and empty, it shows the percentage of shields. And if full, it shows "SHIELDS ARE FULL! YAY!."

    Of course, the options I discuss here could be implemented from simple to complex, but these would help improve the usage of display modules dramatically.
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    Feb 22, 2015
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    I'm pretty sure Schema has confirmed that this will happen. I think it was during the Q&A where he confirmed that this was something he had planned.
    I think it's going to be some kind of mark up language or LUA scripting or something. Not sure. I also don't think it's very high on the priority list.
    I remember this as well. Unfortunately I also remember something about swapping display text via some logic triggers. I would much prefer the LUA system, but the logic system is more in keeping with the current feel of the game. Anyway, at least something is planned.

    iirc, display modules being linked to cameras is unlikely, it's something of a memory hog. It would require additional rendering (even at a reduced resolution), and rendering is already lagtastic. Imagine sitting in combat watching four screens, which would mean five rendering POVs. And then imagine every one on the server has at least as many cameras. I can already smell the GPUs melting.

    Also, keep in mind that there will be audio feedback as well. You may not need the display to tell you when your shields are down if you can hear it.
    Sep 1, 2015
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    I remember this as well. Unfortunately I also remember something about swapping display text via some logic triggers. I would much prefer the LUA system, but the logic system is more in keeping with the current feel of the game. Anyway, at least something is planned.

    iirc, display modules being linked to cameras is unlikely, it's something of a memory hog. It would require additional rendering (even at a reduced resolution), and rendering is already lagtastic. Imagine sitting in combat watching four screens, which would mean five rendering POVs. And then imagine every one on the server has at least as many cameras. I can already smell the GPUs melting.

    Also, keep in mind that there will be audio feedback as well. You may not need the display to tell you when your shields are down if you can hear it.
    I try to melt mine constantly. d: I really enjoy having a GTX 980 TI. I haven't found a game to kill it. Even The Witcher 3 on Ultra doesn't burn it. That being said, if there isn't a way to do it without lagging too bad, it should not be implemented. We do not want to discourage people with less powerful PCs from being able to play the game smoothly.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Something I'd be interested in would be the ability to further increase the maximum font size up to and including the vertical dimension of the screen. This would be for identification and communication purposes as well as aesthetics.

    I like the current displays but you need to be very close to a screen to read their text even at its largest size. Seriously; wouldn't it be nice to be able to label your ship, space port, hospital, docking bay, etc with a font size other than 0.1 meters (the screen's current max font size) or 5+ meters (physically building your text with blocks)?

    Increasing the font size would allow you to make larger signs that are easier to see from a distance.

    Using an increased size, you could place one block on the side of your ship, set the font to maximum size then type your ship's name so it casts over the rest of your hull. You can also make large holographic signs and billboards; using multiple display blocks for different font sizes on the same sign area.

    I hope someone takes this into consideration. I think it would be a useful and relatively simple addition to the game.
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    Sep 5, 2013
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    Add the ability to offset the text from the display block using entity coordinates. Example: (8,8,8) would display at the ship core/ entity origin.

    Enable rotated text. This would enable vertical writing similar to Chinese.

    Enable 32 positions in placing the display block, similar to how placing a ship core in "create docking" works.
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    Aug 30, 2015
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    How about being able to span a logical display across multiple blocks? I recall the computercraft mod for Minecraft did this - a rectangular array would be treated as one large display of the appropriate size.
    It would also be handy if we could put the radar display on a block (or multiblock display) - this would be handy for things like a large main display on the bridge, and that sort of thing.
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    Join the Dark Side
    Aug 21, 2015
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    How about being able to span a logical display across multiple blocks? I recall the computercraft mod for Minecraft did this - a rectangular array would be treated as one large display of the appropriate size.
    It would also be handy if we could put the radar display on a block (or multiblock display) - this would be handy for things like a large main display on the bridge, and that sort of thing.
    I like the idea of blocks that can span more than one space. Display modules would be a good usage of this, but it could be used for more things than just that. For example, if you put the right blocks down in the right configuration, it turns into a power reactor, with some of the blocks having their animations start, to simulate a power reactor. The larger you build it, the bigger the power output. So, it could be something like 3x3x3, 5x5x5, or 3x3x9. The more space it takes up, the more power it generates.
    Aug 21, 2016
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    I feel like starmade could benefit from simply trying to recreate and integrate computercraft (for minecraft). lua computer and displays that can communicate with logic - you can use them for all sorts with simple lua coding. that combined with maybe connecting other starmade systems (using the C-V system) then automatically pulls information into preset variables within the computer, and as Phil says, you could then display that information across a screen size of your choosing.
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    Jul 17, 2017
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    I would also like to see that and great if its already done, there is a lot here but connecting more then one screen would be great to."not sure if mentioned." And beging able to display pictures like you see in the movies when there is a big screen with comericials or the captain speaking.