The Onus Autonomous Singularity

    Mar 9, 2014
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    Howdy folks, it's Mr. New Vegas, and I have a good feeling about all of you listening.
    More news for you.

    OAS Leadership was shocked when a member from the lower council suggested a mass move to Shattered Skies. Saying Quote "We've spent enough time on GenXnova" and that it was time for a Quote "Mass move"

    One high council member stated that he didn't want to see the lower council member again, calling him a heretic, and asking for a mass, Quote, "Return to sender"

    This suggestion is not being taken lightly as a mass move would result in the reshuffling of many assets.

    Lord Sidonus had this to say "Beware, Shattered Skies. For the Nazi Kiwi cometh."

    In other news, Continuing efforts to set up an embassy in GenXnova result in the founding OAS faction for use of a homebase.

    A warpgate network is being considered for setup, in the middle of a mass move of homebases and ships.

    And a person was spotted being flung out a window at the top of a tower, near the high council room.
    Aug 20, 2015
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    Public declaration issue no.2

    Our server support has been extended to the server "Shattered Skies" after a vote internally between the lower council members and the high council members, The vote results can be seen below.

    High council:
    Lord Sidonus: Yes
    Zackey_TNT: Yes
    Lionspirit03: Yes

    Lower Council:

    Total for move: 9/9

    A public speech was prepared for our mass move to Shattered Skies:

    The Onus Autonimous Singularity has decided in which to motivate its membership to make an appearance under a united OAS faction upon the Shattered Skies Server.

    Due to this turn of events, factions such as the Infinite Legion's Hivemind shall appoint operators unto current servers such as GenX Nova to operate upon there until further notice.

    The movement is to expand our influence unto ohter servers for the sake of the very purpose of the OAS and its operable leading faction memberships.

    The vote has been cast and decided upon, so therefor each respectful faction therein shall decide upon who and where shall leadership fall upon as movement has been made.

    This is not a permanent movement however a testing of the waters for said organizations involved directly with the OAS. We are not abandoning our primary servers, yet rather are testing the waters of new ground.

    More information shall be provided in due time.
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    Mar 9, 2014
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    Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our program. This is Mr. New Vegas, and each and every one of you is wonderful in your own special way.

    Well, you know what that means, folks. Time for some news.

    OAS, which in our opinion is best OAS, has signed a mutual defense pact with the order of bogatyrs, This was personally offered by me, and in return for their assistance in setting up on Shattered Skies, any future conflict they have is a direct assault on OAS and shall be returned in kind.

    We shall not assist them in wars they create however, only wars they cannot avoid from other more hostile factions.

    Let's be clear, they are not apart of OAS, they are simply an ally of it. All factions inside this alliance shall aid them in their time of need if at all possible.

    Moving on.

    Progress on setting up Dread Syndicate on Shattered Skies continues, Infinite legion is held up in "technical difficulties".

    Mainly, someone tried to jump out of a building, once again proving there is no escape from the board room.

    Lionspirit03 has been promoted to founding father status, after his continued assistance in setting up this alliance.

    This comes at a time when we could be tied with no vote breaking, which is bad.
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    Mar 9, 2014
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    Recent random nuking of newbs by OAS faction member "Adeptus Mechanicus" is currently under investigation, its leader has been told of its member's random attacks.

    In addition due to the fall of GenXnova's playerbase and its lack of PVP we feel it wise to return to GenXnova, to support the server and its community.

    We apologize for any inconvenience
    Jul 27, 2014
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    Recent random nuking of newbs by OAS faction member "Adeptus Mechanicus" is currently under investigation, its leader has been told of its member's random attacks.

    In addition due to the fall of GenXnova's playerbase and its lack of PVP we feel it wise to return to GenXnova, to support the server and its community.

    We apologize for any inconvenience
    I apologise for this proclaimed nuking of members. This was due to my lack of knowlage of this entire organisation and their alliances, but most importantly my factions involvements in it.

    As a gift to the faction that was a victim of my mistake, some defense drones will be provided for them
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    Mar 9, 2014
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    I apologise for this proclaimed nuking of members. This was due to my lack of knowlage of this entire organisation and their alliances, but most importantly my factions involvements in it.

    As a gift to the faction that was a victim of my mistake, some defense drones will be provided for them
    No problem bro.
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    Mar 9, 2014
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    Hey, hey, it's Mr. New Vegas letting you know I've got a new Christmas compilation coming out soon; Nuclear Winter Wonderland. Look for it, on holotape.

    If you like news, then you're gonna love our next segment.

    A vote held between the high council was conducted due to an alliance request made by Dovan Empire, It was decided due to the history between Dread Syndicate and Dovan to invite them to join OAS, Their Emperor, TheDerpGamer was given the invite today, His reply was to join OAS, thus dovan empire, and its assets, are now under the complete protection of OAS.

    As such the following is now true:

    1. Any attack on Dovan Empire from this point on is a direct attack on OAS, and shall be meet with full retaliation.
    2. Any current allies of Dovan Empire are invited to be allies of OAS.
    3. Dovan empire has full access to OAS Build servers, and teamspeak servers.
    4. All current relations dovan empire has with any other faction is not a direct relation status of OAS until a majority vote is conducted.
    5. Dovan empire, like all of our factions, has full rights to autonomy, and may leave at any time if they so wish, their leadership is not required to change and they may run their faction however they like (within reason, we do not accept grieifing as a type of faction atc)

    More news for you.

    Templar class cruisers have been deployed to GenXnova in response to recent events, they are currently on standby.

    Dread Syndicate's Death Spire nears completion, Infinite Legion has decided they'd also like to redo their homebase.

    The wave of inactivity from OAS members is a direct result of burnout from Starmade, we require a break, and thus progress is slow, though many of our members have recovered from this burnout, many still remain bored.

    Continued efforts to set up on Shattered Skies meets criticism from Thyn members, Apparently, they believe us to be withdrawing.

    Here's our reply to that, No.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
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    Continued efforts to set up on Shattered Skies meets criticism from Thyn members, Apparently, they believe us to be withdrawing.

    Here's our reply to that, No.
    Oh, sorry. This quote

    we feel it wise to return to GenXnova
    made it seem like you were abandoning SS for complete dedication to GenX, as opposed to a split dedication.
    Mar 9, 2014
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    Oh, sorry. This quote

    made it seem like you were abandoning SS for complete dedication to GenX, as opposed to a split dedication.
    Miswording leads to insults being thrown around in teamspeak I see. No, we are focusing our current efforts in ensuring GenXnova pvp continues to exist.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Miswording leads to insults being thrown around in teamspeak I see. No, we are focusing our current efforts in ensuring GenXnova pvp continues to exist.
    Excuse me? I don't know what Thryn member is throwing around insults in TS, but it sure wasn't me.
    Mar 9, 2014
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    Excuse me? I don't know what Thryn member is throwing around insults in TS, but it sure wasn't me.
    Reports indicate there was an "argument" that ended in various things being said true or false my current infomation is limited, however, considering this was a simple case of miswording we can look above what happened if anything did happen. In future please look to this art when considering actions taken by OAS.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    I wouldn't mind knowing which member it was, seeing as how I've never seen that kind of thing in our own chat rooms.
    Aug 13, 2014
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    -Public Saefty Announcement-

    We would like to remind everyone to NOT stick any limbs into the purple transdimensional portal that appeared two days ago in the 3rd stall of the men's bathroom in the Dovan Mini mart in the Karoon system. One man stuck his head in there and came back...changed. Also do not eat any Twinkies of any kind from that store. There may be something wrong with them.
    These portals and Twinkie problems may be the result of experiments with our science ship (DES-Vorik) when Miraak started tossing vegetables (consisting of mostly carrots, broccoli, and celery) at it. Keep posted for more updates on the situation.
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    Mar 9, 2014
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    -Public Saefty Announcement-

    We would like to remind everyone to NOT stick any limbs into the purple transdimensional portal that appeared two days ago in the 3rd stall of the men's bathroom in the Dovan Mini mart in the Karoon system. One man stuck his head in there and came back...changed. Also do not eat any Twinkies of any kind from that store. There may be something wrong with them.
    These portals and Twinkie problems may be the result of experiments with our science ship (DES-Vorik) when Miraak started tossing vegetables (consisting of mostly carrots, broccoli, and celery) at it. Keep posted for more updates on the situation.

    A courier was seen being hurled out of a window atop a large building today, reports indicate it was due to the mentioning of magic after the recent dovan empire portal event.

    An eye witness account indicated heresy was involved and that the heretic is now, quote "sleeping with the fishs" end quote.

    More details, soon.
    Aug 13, 2014
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    People are being warned to stay in their homes and lock their windows and doors after "Vegetables" started appearing out of the portals in large warships that resemble various healthy greens. Their warships appear to be using an advanced unknown technology known as "Vitamins". These large walking vegetables have been abducting people and forcing them to "eat their greens". Please stay indoors until the state of alert has been lifted.

    Speaking of advanced technology, many Dovan scientists are now convinced that vegetables are not magic, but instead aliens that have come to make us eat healthy foods.
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    Mar 9, 2014
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    People are being warned to stay in their homes and lock their windows and doors after "Vegetables" started appearing out of the portals in large warships that resemble various healthy greens. Their warships appear to be using an advanced unknown technology known as "Vitamins". These large walking vegetables have been abducting people and forcing them to "eat their greens". Please stay indoors until the state of alert has been lifted.

    Speaking of advanced technology, many Dovan scientists are now convinced that vegetables are not magic, but instead aliens that have come to make us eat healthy foods.