The Onus Autonomous Singularity

    Aug 20, 2015
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    Zoro has rebelled against Ridik, this was foreseen by Vehcklox in a vision he had while drunk on tequila, the prophesy has come to pass as per the bar napkin. The bar napkin also says the following: Onus Autonomous Singularity has been attacked by Odium. This will not stand, we're here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and we're all out of gum.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Best of luck. You'll need it.
    Aug 20, 2015
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    Today is a sad day for OAS. Alternate, one of the three founding fathers, has officially been removed from the high council as his continued inactivity and lack of leadership for his own faction has led him to hand the rains over to Bilbo.

    His inactivity and eventual death is a fate we all share, As we grow tired of this game at some stage down the road we shall all quit.

    His history and that of his faction has been recorded to prevent his memory from being lost in our OAS history document.

    As of this stage Bilbo is now the unquestioned leader of UGA as his place as 2th command is all that is left of UGA's upper command structure.

    Because UGA is a founding faction of our mighty alliance the High council status has transferred to alternate's next of kin.

    Let this be a reminder to all whom play, Pacifism is stagnation and stagnation is death.
    Jun 25, 2015
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    This is a sad day due to these unfortunate events and it is with great sadness that I hear buy accept this nomination with a heavy heart. My first move as the new head of UGA is to hereby rename UGA to The Black Templars. This is the new standing order for any remaining members of are hereby ordered to report immediately to me for reassignment any who wish to refuse this order may note so as a reply to this statement.
    Mar 9, 2014
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    All this Heresy makes my arse itch.

    Starmade pvp ded, Blade falcon, Black Templars, Systems Alliance, And Adeptus Mechanicus have moved onto the following games: Elite dangerous, Star citizen, Hurt World, Space Engineers, Planetary annihilation and fallout four for more pew pew.

    Be back when we can be arsed to promote less heretic pvp / get over butthurt about cargo update.
    Sep 18, 2013
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    Blade Falcon is now resigning membership from OAS, myself included.
    Aug 20, 2015
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    For the continued stability of our alliance, I, Declare this alliance to be under the full control of a combined leadership between Dread Syndicate and Infinite legion

    The Onus Autonomous Singularity was once a proud alliance, A beacon of hope in the mist of darkness, But that time has past.
    The factions inside the alliance once believed they could stand by watching from afar while external affairs where ignored, They where all cowardly towards others not willing to commit to war that would lead to the breakup of our many foes. They allowed themselves to be dragged into peace talks and believed the false flag of "continued peace".

    They allowed this alliance to fall, In their cowardly ways they did not see that without order there can be no "republic" there can be no "alliance" there can be no peace.

    Well today that ends, Today with our rise to power this alliance shall return to strength, We shall not let stagnation set in, We shall not allow the false flag of "peace" to be followed.

    With the rise of Lord Sidonus and his mighty infinite legion, I place him in the position of Founding fathers, He shall lead us to a new era of peace and stability. Members of this alliance must also do their part, They cannot allow traitors to continue running rampant around our great civilization. We must destroy any remaining resistance to our ideology. We must create order where there is disorder. None will stand in our way.
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