StarMade v0.19538 - New Thruster Mechanics


    Jul 7, 2013
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    Just completed a vectored thrust fighter, also my first attempt at logic (Praise Bench for his tutorials.)
    The engines have everything put into forwards/backwards, and I was hoping I could use the rail rotators they're docked to to change directions, sad to say I'm super-greatly-ultra-omega dissapointed that thrust sharing doesn't work the way I was hoping.
    Thrust sharing is still awesome though, and at least my craft is still good for RP lol.

    Edit: FYI for all who are wondering, it just adds the thrust to the main ship, and can't tell/ignores the thrust options of the docked thrusters. You can't make attachable booster rockets that are set to 'all forward/backwards' for example.
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    Mar 18, 2014
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    • Arrrty
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Cool stuff!
    Pink Standard Armor (the basic cube shape) seems to be missing from the Standard Factory.
    Also there are a couple of minor texture assignment issues lingering in the block config (hopefully can also be updated in the usual hotfix?):
    • Plex Lift has 51 for top and bottom, should probably be 15
    • Shop Module has 330 (personal computer), should be 293 (the "new" shop texture)
    Nov 6, 2014
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    "T786 Players that are attached to a ship via alignment share the ship's shield when shot.
    T680 Ships not checking for collision before docking"
    this has been on 4 of the last patches...having hard time with it?

    on other terms:

    newtonian physics with dampening button - approove

    speed according to M/W - worse job than previously

    tunable turns rolls or speed - well this could be better but fine
    docked thruster usability - will it tune with the ship or can i tune it to be different? (for example i have 4 thrusters docked one set for each category speed, roll, yaw, pitch...will it be better than setting the ship to balanced? does it even knows what i set the docked entity to? or does it just adds the thrust (and mass) to the ships main?
    cargo capacity and admin metaitem - still botched it up

    asteroid fix - approve

    recepie change - bad move bro
    ore weight - okay, but refined should be denser because its does not make any sense
    if you would listen to suggestions i would leave some, but you don't so not gonna.
    enjoy the feedback
    Jul 20, 2013
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    "T786 Players that are attached to a ship via alignment share the ship's shield when shot.
    T680 Ships not checking for collision before docking"
    this has been on 4 of the last patches...having hard time with it?

    on other terms:

    newtonian physics with dampening button - approove

    speed according to M/W - worse job than previously

    tunable turns rolls or speed - well this could be better but fine
    docked thruster usability - will it tune with the ship or can i tune it to be different? (for example i have 4 thrusters docked one set for each category speed, roll, yaw, pitch...will it be better than setting the ship to balanced? does it even knows what i set the docked entity to? or does it just adds the thrust (and mass) to the ships main?
    cargo capacity and admin metaitem - still botched it up

    asteroid fix - approve

    recepie change - bad move bro
    ore weight - okay, but refined should be denser because its does not make any sense
    if you would listen to suggestions i would leave some, but you don't so not gonna.
    enjoy the feedback

    The dev's do listen to feedback and suggestions. I know this personally as I have made them and they have been put into or altered within the game.

    Why so sad?
    It's a good update and now onto even more funky things with Starmade!
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    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    if you would listen to suggestions i would leave some, but you don't so not gonna.
    It is our job to listen to feeback. A large number of balance changes over the past few weeks are based on player feeback, along with many other general changes over the course of the past few months. If we don't know what you want because you didn't voice a concern, that's not our fault. What have you got to loose by posting suggestions?


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    • Schine
    • Likeable Gold
    • Arrrty Gold
    Cool stuff!
    Pink Standard Armor (the basic cube shape) seems to be missing from the Standard Factory.
    Also there are a couple of minor texture assignment issues lingering in the block config (hopefully can also be updated in the usual hotfix?):
    • Plex Lift has 51 for top and bottom, should probably be 15
    • Shop Module has 330 (personal computer), should be 293 (the "new" shop texture)
    Thanks for this 0ldSkull I'll look into that asap.

    [Changes made and pending hotfix update]
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    Head of Testing
    Aug 20, 2013
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    docked thruster usability - will it tune with the ship or can i tune it to be different? (for example i have 4 thrusters docked one set for each category speed, roll, yaw, pitch...will it be better than setting the ship to balanced? does it even knows what i set the docked entity to? or does it just adds the thrust (and mass) to the ships main?
    It will add the thrust capacity. Only the ship you're controlling matters for directional and rotational thrust settings. Max speed will change too since it recalculates the ratio with the inherited thrust included.
    So now that the asteroid spawning has been fixed, will a universe reset be needed to implement that? Or will it autocorrect sectors that are already generated?
    No, newly generated asteroids will be using the corrected chances (and they even regenerate for sectors you've been before, unless you've edited the asteroid).

    IF you have asteroid spawning disabled, then you're not going to find anything in already mined places like expected.
    Dec 17, 2014
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    "T786 Players that are attached to a ship via alignment share the ship's shield when shot.
    T680 Ships not checking for collision before docking"
    this has been on 4 of the last patches...having hard time with it?

    on other terms:

    newtonian physics with dampening button - approove

    speed according to M/W - worse job than previously

    tunable turns rolls or speed - well this could be better but fine
    docked thruster usability - will it tune with the ship or can i tune it to be different? (for example i have 4 thrusters docked one set for each category speed, roll, yaw, pitch...will it be better than setting the ship to balanced? does it even knows what i set the docked entity to? or does it just adds the thrust (and mass) to the ships main?
    cargo capacity and admin metaitem - still botched it up

    asteroid fix - approve

    recepie change - bad move bro
    ore weight - okay, but refined should be denser because its does not make any sense
    if you would listen to suggestions i would leave some, but you don't so not gonna.
    enjoy the feedback
    Are you naturally this nasty or did you take a special class?
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    Reactions: JimmyJamba
    Mar 31, 2015
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    Pink hulls? Great... You do realize this will add a lot of flying pigs and penis ships to servers, right?

    The thrust mechanics look like a lot of fun though.
    Mar 2, 2014
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
    Pink hulls? Great... You do realize this will add a lot of flying pigs and penis ships to servers, right?
    It's not pink, it's rather magenta. I wish it did look more like white skin, though, so I could make a ship looking like an astronaut (without penis).
    Dec 8, 2015
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    Why thrust in all directions needs to be able to be configured independently:

    Just google spaceship and you'll find loads.
    90% of scifi lore out there have with a great magnitude larger back thrusters than forward thrusters - makes no sense to have it so that forwards and back are the same...should be configured separately.
    Dec 28, 2014
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    I have to say it's going to bug the heck out of me how fast you can accelerate backwards, especially on larger ships, but otherwise, so far this is an improvement to what we had before
    Nov 6, 2014
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    It is our job to listen to feeback. A large number of balance changes over the past few weeks are based on player feeback, along with many other general changes over the course of the past few months. If we don't know what you want because you didn't voice a concern, that's not our fault. What have you got to loose by posting suggestions?
    okay...fine you read and listen...and you implement the EASIEST ones and go for the most wanted ones instead of those which makes the most sense in doing.
    all the new system implementations, the mechanics, the stat changes, are there to please, not to refine the game...i've been watching and sometimes playing this game almost from the start...and this is all i see, you can't get your head around what you want to make, so it became a popularity fluffy toy that want to please most and care less about how things work...i mean why go newtonian when you have speed limits because you can't program good netcode to let servers do the calculations of double or triple precision...or even heck getting it run 64bit...or having a decent sense in items and materials...this game could have been so much more refined and defined...and i have seen less amount of people doing way more and better job at doing a game in the same time frame you guys's like you don't want to learn from any other developer's mistakes, so you are doing them again and again, while laughing and pleasing and toying around like a 2year old.
    fine have at it...and this is the point for me to not leave any copy stuff from your own community not even giving credit to where it came from, you give yourself the highest appraise of what you have accomplished, like its a big thing...well reality just called, ITS NOT.
    so im not giving you suggestion to chew on/copy over...i rather make my own programs...
    for a while i cared about this had promising future...which you botched it up and all i can do is laugh in your face and pety try of doing something meaningful.

    i am not writing this to you to be mean...i don't hate you...i would feel sorry for you but i don't do that anymore...this is just a flash in the night...a warning for you...because i care that much in this moment...REALISE what you do before its too late and you regret it.

    you are all on your knees...thinking that you fly in the not giving you a hand clearly represented that you shut out the most helping part of the community the most talented and im not wasting time anymore to you...enjoy the empty drakness with all tha fanboys and fangirls...that's all you'll ever have.
    Jul 24, 2013
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    okay...fine you read and listen...and you implement the EASIEST ones and go for the most wanted ones instead of those which makes the most sense in doing.
    all the new system implementations, the mechanics, the stat changes, are there to please, not to refine the game...i've been watching and sometimes playing this game almost from the start...and this is all i see, you can't get your head around what you want to make, so it became a popularity fluffy toy that want to please most and care less about how things work...i mean why go newtonian when you have speed limits because you can't program good netcode to let servers do the calculations of double or triple precision...or even heck getting it run 64bit...or having a decent sense in items and materials...this game could have been so much more refined and defined...and i have seen less amount of people doing way more and better job at doing a game in the same time frame you guys's like you don't want to learn from any other developer's mistakes, so you are doing them again and again, while laughing and pleasing and toying around like a 2year old.
    fine have at it...and this is the point for me to not leave any copy stuff from your own community not even giving credit to where it came from, you give yourself the highest appraise of what you have accomplished, like its a big thing...well reality just called, ITS NOT.
    so im not giving you suggestion to chew on/copy over...i rather make my own programs...
    for a while i cared about this had promising future...which you botched it up and all i can do is laugh in your face and pety try of doing something meaningful.

    i am not writing this to you to be mean...i don't hate you...i would feel sorry for you but i don't do that anymore...this is just a flash in the night...a warning for you...because i care that much in this moment...REALISE what you do before its too late and you regret it.

    you are all on your knees...thinking that you fly in the not giving you a hand clearly represented that you shut out the most helping part of the community the most talented and im not wasting time anymore to you...enjoy the empty drakness with all tha fanboys and fangirls...that's all you'll ever have.

    that is a lot of triple dots :P
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    okay...fine you read and listen...and you implement the EASIEST ones and go for the most wanted ones instead of those which makes the most sense in doing.
    all the new system implementations, the mechanics, the stat changes, are there to please, not to refine the game...i've been watching and sometimes playing this game almost from the start...and this is all i see, you can't get your head around what you want to make, so it became a popularity fluffy toy that want to please most and care less about how things work...i mean why go newtonian when you have speed limits because you can't program good netcode to let servers do the calculations of double or triple precision...or even heck getting it run 64bit...or having a decent sense in items and materials...this game could have been so much more refined and defined...and i have seen less amount of people doing way more and better job at doing a game in the same time frame you guys's like you don't want to learn from any other developer's mistakes, so you are doing them again and again, while laughing and pleasing and toying around like a 2year old.
    fine have at it...and this is the point for me to not leave any copy stuff from your own community not even giving credit to where it came from, you give yourself the highest appraise of what you have accomplished, like its a big thing...well reality just called, ITS NOT.
    so im not giving you suggestion to chew on/copy over...i rather make my own programs...
    for a while i cared about this had promising future...which you botched it up and all i can do is laugh in your face and pety try of doing something meaningful.

    i am not writing this to you to be mean...i don't hate you...i would feel sorry for you but i don't do that anymore...this is just a flash in the night...a warning for you...because i care that much in this moment...REALISE what you do before its too late and you regret it.

    you are all on your knees...thinking that you fly in the not giving you a hand clearly represented that you shut out the most helping part of the community the most talented and im not wasting time anymore to you...enjoy the empty drakness with all tha fanboys and fangirls...that's all you'll ever have.
    Yes... let the anger flow through you...
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    Reactions: SkylordLuke
    Dec 23, 2014
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    How does it effect bobby a.i? Can you limit their movement now?
    Sep 11, 2015
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    It's not pink, it's rather magenta. I wish it did look more like white skin, though, so I could make a ship looking like an astronaut (without penis).
    So you're making a female astronaut. Great that you rather break, than reinforce the role models of classically male predominant professions! =)

    Back on topic, I like the update. At last we get to manage the ships' movement better!

    ...and more colours are always a plus! The thought crossed my mind before that his game needed some pink in it =)


    Also, you can now make this ship:

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    Reactions: nightrune
    Sep 10, 2015
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    Instead of editing the direction of thrust, will it be so that where thrust is allocated is dependent on the orientation and placement of thruster blocks, kind of like real life?