Bug Planet Plates and multiple faction blocks


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Found a rather strange bug to add to the ever growing list for planets. It seems if you place another faction block on a planet but on another plate it turns the planet neutral, and if the same faction it prevents the extra faction block from working. Also I'm not totally sure but someone may have used this bug without knowing it to take a planet or two from me. >_>


    Customer Experience Manager
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    No, thats not a bug, its an intended feature.

    One faction module, does by default take over a whole planet, and prevent building on it for anyone else.

    IF you place a second faction module there, it does share the inheritance, and the new one (remember: you have to be in the faction and edit permissions to place it) will also link to the plates.
    This way you can share a planet between factions.

    The intermediate solution, with like 3-4 plates with faction modules and different factions and the others not, MAY cause switch over between factions on the "untagged" plates.
    (They should follow the last activated faction module. I did not test this, but in theory you should be able to have like 3 factions on 3 segments, and can have a "common" area on the other segments, you only need to go to the faction module and hit the "enter faction signature" to take over the 9 "common" segments. (Or have like 10 factions and 2 'shared structure' that can be taken over by all of the factions by using their faction module.)

    So, once you place more than one faction module on a planet, the inheritance tree will be broken for all segments that have their own module and thus their own faction signature.

    - Andy


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    hmm strange, didn't think this could be done. Looks like I have to pepper the planets I want with faction blocks to make it stick. Why not have the factions that control a planet listed out in the faction column in the nav menu and/or when you lock onto the nav signature. Say the main faction is first, while the sub factions that come afterwords are in smaller text. Oh and it'd be nice if when the other controlling factions removed their faction blocks it'd turn totally to the last remaining faction.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Why not have the factions that control a planet listed out in the faction column in the nav menu and/or when you lock onto the nav signature.
    I think for the planet core, it does cycle through the factions that have claims on the planet, and every individual plate should show up as owned by its respective faction. If it doesn't, that might be a bug. But I'm pretty certain it works as intended.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    I think for the planet core, it does cycle through the factions that have claims on the planet, and every individual plate should show up as owned by its respective faction. If it doesn't, that might be a bug. But I'm pretty certain it works as intended.
    hmm going to have to check than, can't get onto aetherion at the moment due to it being offline. I forget how many plates are there? 10,11, or 12?? Only reason I'm asking is because I forgot and want to make a cheap defense rack for setting up an outpost.


    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
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    Well, the idea is:

    IF you occupy one segment with a module, and then make it a homebase, the whole planet is a homebase and protected.

    If you decide to split it up, and split up the inheritance, by adding faction modules, they will NOT get the benefit from the homebase protection.
    It should only protect the core and the homebased segment.
    So if you add 12 factionmodules and make one the homebase, 11 segments will be "regular factioned planet plates".

    But will test this in more details the next days, did test this last time when the new planets were introduced, so it may work different due to other influences, but at least the
    - one faction module = planet as a whole (virtually faction module on core),
    - more than one faction module = planet split into segments
    is still working, just tested basic protection systems, and they all work.

    And if you remove a faction module on a docked ship, it will turn neutral, so not a bug either.
    All together I do not see an exploit or something that allows people to take over a planet from you, unless you help by placing mulitple faction modules and NOT entering a signature that gets forwarded to "untagged" segments.

    However, one home base segment + 11 regular segments is currently untested, it should protect the core, but not 100% sure.

    - Andy


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    I know the Home Base one, wasn't expecting the ability for someone to drop in onto a planet that wasn't the home base and grab a segment for themselves. One thing I noticed is if you remove all the extra faction blocks the core doesn't turn to the faction of whoever's is the last remaining one and they have to go to it and remove and reinput their faction sig to get it to turn the core again.


    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
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    Yes, removing a faction block does not update the core, it should be retagged when a faction module is told to "enter faction signature".

    - Andy