Recognized by Council QUICK WIN: One-click jump charge


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    I am all in favor of user interface changes that improve the user experience without compromising gameplay. I would hope you are, too. Especially when they are likely as simple as changing how a mouse event is implemented.

    If I wanted to suck it up and have fun in spite of the user interface, I'd go boot up my last keep in Dwarf Fortress.
    I wasn't being serious...

    And yes, it could work if firing weapons disables it (like cloaks).


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Scrolling off it is annoying. What if I want to open the hangar door with my ship remote so my friend can dock his shuttle in the hangar? It should be on weapon firing.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    There is a very important aspect of having to press that mouse button while charging jump drive.

    Namely, you can't use any other system in the meantime, especially weapons. If jump drives charged themselves, this would all go away, which I definitely do not want. From the very beginning of planning a jump drive, having some kind of balance or cost of spooling up your FTL was a core feature, to make jumping out of battle a little harder. I don't want this aspect gone, and I really hope the devs don't want it gone either, as every other serious game (especially Elite: Dangerous) has such a charge time with weapons disabled before activating jump drive/warp drive/hyperdrive/frameshift etc.
    If there are balance concerns about the player being able to charge the drive while doing something else like firing weapons, then stop charging if the player scrolls away from the jump drive slot on the hotbar.
    Jul 2, 2013
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    I'm just wondering why it would be balanced if you can't do anything else while charging a jumpdrive. If you want to jump out reasonably quickly you already have to spend a considerable amount of inner space to jump drive modules (which could otherwise have been spent on more shooty stuff), charging jumpdrives also costs a considerable amount of energy, which you then can't use to shoot folks. Are those factors limiting enough or do you need more?
    Then there's also the thing where not every ship with jumpdrives is a combat ship (salvagers, exploration), would you want such an artificial combat limitation on those kinds of ships as well? Would the game be less/more enjoyable with such a limitation?

    Just some questions to think about.

    I agree with the just one click thing, by the way, perhaps even a way to let it start charging right after a jump without a click, though that might be too much of the good stuff.
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    Feb 22, 2015
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    Think of it like this
    • Jump Drive MkI: Jump capable, Manual charging, PlugNPlay
    • JD-II: Jump+, Basic (0.5) Auto-Charge, +4 blocks, logic skill:Clocks
    • JD-III: Jump+, Faster (??) AC, +(more) blocks, logic skill: Adv. Clocks
    • etc.
    Auto-Charge logic systems let you do other things, even leave the core. It sends a regular pulse of 'Charge' to the jump drive, the rate is determined by the quality of the clock and your ability to program it. The added blocks are just part of the price you pay for added functionality.
    If you want a more advanced system, research how to do it. Building a ship takes as much skill as piloting it. I stink at the piloting, but I know I can research advanced clocks. Thanks karkinosz!


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Is keeping the mouse button pressed down really THAT hard?

    If you answer yes to the question then you may want to see a doctor.
    Yes, but on long trips in ships where you can't jump super fast (i.e. anything but a scout ship) it's really annoying. This is a quality-of-life improvement...


    The Shrink
    Aug 4, 2013
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    Quality of life my...

    Always ask the question "What will people realistically use this for"
    What can be exploited, will be exploited, that's the first law of computer gaming, especially online gaming. If this can be used as a "get out of fight free" card, then it will be. If this can be used to make a self-charging jump drive that can work while your guns are blazing, it will be. if this ever gets implemented, restrictions must be placed.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Quality of life my...

    Always ask the question "What will people realistically use this for"
    What can be exploited, will be exploited, that's the first law of computer gaming, especially online gaming. If this can be used as a "get out of fight free" card, then it will be. If this can be used to make a self-charging jump drive that can work while your guns are blazing, it will be. if this ever gets implemented, restrictions must be placed.
    Read the entire OP.
    May 26, 2013
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    I really don't understand the silly amount of negative feedback. It's literally click and keep the Jumpdrive hotbar slot selected so it charges. Try anything else and it stops. It's literally exactly what you do now except with less risk of getting yourself a wonderful case or RSI/Carpal tunnel.

    I am all for this, and hope it is implemented as a quality of life option. No more weighing down/taping your mouse button!
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    Sep 5, 2013
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    If its going to be used for far travel have it auto jump as well.
    -hold right click and it jumps when its fully charged
    -toggle continuous jump mode using left click, when active it will continuously charge and jump until deactivated with either a left or right click

    I hear this can already be done using logic anyway.
    Jan 1, 2015
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    Yes, but on long trips in ships where you can't jump super fast (i.e. anything but a scout ship) it's really annoying. This is a quality-of-life improvement...
    My current flying ship is two million blocks plus (Shiva - Destroyer of Worlds, and you can probably guess what sort of ship it is). She can charge her jump drive in roughly thirteen seconds. That is as much time as it takes me to jump and turn to the shop I've jumped to. This way I can do shopping sprees as painlessly as possible. I probably don't traverse the galaxy quite as fast as a dedicated mini-superjump ship, but I traverse it fast enough that it is fairly painless to go distances. That said, not having to hold down the charge button would be nice.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Any space dedicated to jump drives is space not given to extra shielding, weapons, or power storage. On some ships a fast drive is not the most optimal thing; while of course the drive time has to make sense with a smaller jump drive system the game shouldn't punish you for having a slow jump drive. In this current system, it does. :P
    Sep 10, 2015
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    This is a really good idea, guys. We should make it chargeable by logic. I don't think the whole you have to keep your mouse down on a hotbar thing is a good idea now that we have jump inhibitors.