[Parody] Current Release State accroding to Humble Player


    Algorithm of hacks
    Jun 23, 2013
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    It also sounds extremely flamey.
    Not really Lecic, word special means lots of things but it doesn't sound anything like flamey because flamey is not even a word.

    Yes, commander Schema. I have him in my sights. Awaiting your firing order.
    You have quick drawing skills don't you think that's special? :)


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Not really Lecic, word special means lots of things but it doesn't sound anything like flamey because flamey is not even a word.

    You have quick drawing skills don't you think that's special? :)
    Don't pretend you don't know the secondary meaning applied when people call someone a "special person" or try to sidestep around an issue by pointing out grammatical errors that don't matter.


    Algorithm of hacks
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Don't pretend you don't know the secondary meaning applied when people call someone a "special person" or try to sidestep around an issue by pointing out grammatical errors.
    Unique persons. Which means all of us humans. You need more rainbows you get mad too easily.

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    lol, no. The game isn't at maximum stability, sure, but it's a lot more stable than it used to be, imo.
    It seems less capable I have no idea what leads you to think its MORE stable.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    It seems less capable I have no idea what leads you to think its MORE stable.
    Do you remember what Illusive was like? The entire server would lag to hell if two ships shot at eachother. Not to mention the constant lag from all the sectors that were getting loaded and unloaded because sectors were tiny.


    Algorithm of hacks
    Jun 23, 2013
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    What do you expect from a game that is less than 20USD
    The dev is like selling the game for nothing. Back then the game was only 3 usd and the game did get better, think back to the days where we didn't have master kupu and no wedges and no rails.

    Just wait for the patch play other games to kill some time and do real life stuff or find some bugs and report it.
    Going over bananas doesn't help the devs do their job and its not even a job its their passion to create and develop this game.

    Dec 5, 2014
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    First of all: I love starmade and i think the developers can be proud on what theyve done so far. This is not meant to be a hater post, its just some honest words about the current stage of development of this awesome game.
    But still, at the moment, im taking a break from playing starmade. The last 3 big updates (rail docking, armor/hp and shipyards) brought in so many new bugs, some of them very annoying. Also, the balance is kind of totally messed up. Dont get me wrong, i absolutely understand that especially the armor/hp update was almost 100% sure to mess up the weapons balance. And i understand that a completely new docking system in an alpha game wouldnt just be released and be 100% bug free. I love the new docking system and im looking forward to building awesome stuff with it, once it completely works. Atm, there is ships docking in strange angles; ai turrets getting stuck if you dont give them 360° free movement on both axis (which limits their layout and looks); AI turrets looking in one and firing in the other directions; hitting targets with missiles seems to refill the targets shields somehow even if you brought them to zero with guns before they immediatly recharge once you hit them with a missile; AI ships not spawning at all or incorrectly(in sectors out of sight); im being randomly teleported again when moving with my ship or changing sector very often; i get stuck more oftenly again when exiting entities; multislot items are messed up (cant access the multislot); Radar Jammer / Cloaker used in combination with scanner leads to wierd stuff (such as the ship still being cloaked/jammed even if you exit, random crashes, ships power depleted completely).

    Im actually just waiting for a bunch of patches and hotfixes to be released, until im playing the game again. Maybe ill design some hulls and stuff in singleplayer, but i wont mess around building functional parts or even fielding my ships at the moment... sadly. I know its an alpha game and the new content is - in theory - awesome. Its just that it will need time until it all works and fits together.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Also, the balance is kind of totally messed up. Dont get me wrong, i absolutely understand that especially the armor/hp update was almost 100% sure to mess up the weapons balance.
    The devs can't solve balance issues if you don't tell them what's unbalanced. What isn't balanced, besides stuff that's been under or overpowered long before the HP update?


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    The devs can't solve balance issues if you don't tell them what's unbalanced. What isn't balanced, besides stuff that's been under or overpowered long before the HP update?

    Beams vs. armor blocks.

    I feel that armor HP should prevent penetration of armored blocks, not armor values in general.

    Only way to do actual damage with beams is to hit the same spot with a checkerboard for a while, which most good pilots won't let you do.
    Dec 5, 2014
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    yeah, beam weapons is a good example. We are talking about the (not always working) hit detection already in another thread. But, as Azereiah sayd, even if you hit, they behave kind of wierd. Just build two weapon systems with the same size, one cannon/cannon and one beam/cannon with the same amount of outputs. I know, beam weapons are a tiny little bit weaker per block, cause they (should) hit instantly when your crosshair is directly on an enemy ship. For the same reason, they have a rather small range.
    With both those things in mind, there is still a huge difference between the 2 systems in terms of efficiency. Theoretically the beam system should be more efficient/reliable once a target gets in its range cause it already has the 2 disadvantages i mentioned (and also consumes more power than a cannon system iirc). In reality the cannon system is by far more efficient, even from close distance.
    I already mentioned AI controlled turrets being pretty OP at the moment, cause they can do things a human player just cant. Like instant lock-on even on radar jammed targets, they have 360° field of view, they dont care about laggy movement of ships or many targets being close together (which both can make it literally impossible for a human player to lock-on to a target).
    Warheads became useless, although being a one-use-only weapon and being by far the hardest to make it actually hit a target. I was doing tests with those and even if you build bigger blocks of connected warheads, their damage remains ridiculously low. Most of the time they dont even explode properly. In terms of balance this should be the most rewarding damage output, since you dont have unlimited ammunition like with other weapon systems and its extremely hard to hit a target with them and 1 torpedo with logic, power, push comp/mods, docking and warheads is a pretty expensive projectile compared to the others.

    Many of the things that make me not actively play the game atm are already reported bugs / balance issues etc that are being worked on. Its just, before those 3 major updates (docking/hp/shipyards) the game was far from perfect but it felt kind of complete. Everything was working as you expected it to work. I like where the game is going, especially with the HP system finally making armor worth adding to your ship, but i just think its gonna need time to make everything work together, so that the game feels "complete" again.. :) Idk if you understand what i mean.