A History of Factions


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    It went NASS, Illusive,HSZ, Illusive, Elwyn Eternity, Starside.
    It's still around just no one really cares.
    HSZ was too short-lived , and not that popular either.

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    Regadless of that all the major factions went there and set up and waged small skirmishes and such.

    It counts in my book


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    You forgot the laz eurocorp-EH conflict in early 2013. (You can ask MrNature72, me, Leanson and likely also nucleardonut about the events that transpired, seeing as ridik_ulass is no longer directly available)
    Can you drop some info on that in here?

    Caldera Empire was founded while both DFN and CR were already existing so they are older.
    All I have to go off of is forum dates. Sorry for any inaccuracies. If I could have done it myself, I wouldn't have asked for help here!

    January 2014 - Operation Orion the first ever recorded massive StarMade Battle takes place on sponsors server between the Earth Alliance and Alliance Armada. Over 300 drones released and 6 large vessels deployed over slander of being spawn bullies.

    March 2014 - Operation Anarchy takes place after a coalition set out for retribution for Earth Alliance.
    Got any more info on these battles? Who won, any interesting tactical events, etc? AA obviously won the first for the second to happen, but who won the second?
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    Dec 29, 2013
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    It's all good, youre taking time out to learn everyones past. perhaps ask dukeofrealms or someone if they can sticky or pin this. Also making the Google doc editable for other factions to add in once its approved. Kind of like Jorges elwyn petition.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    It's all good, youre taking time out to learn everyones past. perhaps ask dukeofrealms or someone if they can sticky or pin this. Also making the Google doc editable for other factions to add in once its approved. Kind of like Jorges elwyn petition.
    I'll talk to Duke about it.

    Letting certain people edit it with me would definitely help with it. Perhaps Google Docs isn't the place to go, though? It might fit better to have this on Starmadepedia.


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    Sep 6, 2013
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    Put some weeks there with "Suggestion" mode on, then forward to the wiki


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Put some weeks there with "Suggestion" mode on, then forward to the wiki
    I've enabled suggestions mode. Feel free to add things directly to the doc, everyone, and I'll approve them.


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    I've enabled suggestions mode. Feel free to add things directly to the doc, everyone, and I'll approve them.
    Not working. I think you need to update the link on the thread.
    Dec 29, 2013
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    Bam! Should make it easier on ya. May the history of major space warfare and factions never be forgotten


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Things are going fast with Suggestions turned on!


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    How I met(created) the Tartaran Empire

    The story starts on NASS
    • August, 2013: Tartaran Empire: Nauvran joins NFD, Incap wants to marry Nauvran after seeing the old HODT. (yes weird, I was shocked).
    • October, 2013: (after the second DFN/Vaygr war, more precisely after the DFN homebase was buildblocked) Kiwionethemoon, Dolovo, Chevalleis, and Nauvran abandon DFN because of the lack of structure and order. The small new team wanted to create a pirate/mercenary faction. Shortly after finding a good station design the team met up with Incap and Admiral Thrawn and the team got a bit bigger.
    We went to Illusive at some point around here.
    • December 1, 2013: After months of planning the Tartaran Empire was finally ready to go public and the faction thread was created. AdmiralThrawn left before TE went public (personal reasons). In the meantime progress on the capital on the home-planet Tartarus had begun.
    • December 1, 2013: Borg collective attacked while the TE was offline, the mass turret protection proved useful.
    • December 5, 2013: CR collapsed and some members migrated to the Tartaran Empire.
    • December 12, 2013: Claru falls "openly" says she is on love with TE and Incap.
    • December 14, 2013: The TE launches an attack against the Borg Collective, both sides lost ships.
    • December 18, 2013: Official trade route with the Void Templars.
    • December 22, 2013: Faction politics are tense, TE keeps isolated but ready to defend itself.
    • December 28, 2013: The Tartaran Empire says no thank you to Odium alliance offer.
    • January 1, 2014: First purge of inactive members.
    • February 2, 2014: AtraUnam threatens/requests a fight with the TE. Nothing happened.
    • February 21, 2014: Reconstructing the organisation, TE changes.
    • March 14, 2014: Any breach of Tartaran space will result in our immediate intervention. War between Odium pact and Lazerus Imperium.
    The faction returns to NASS
    • April 27, 2014: Incap leaves TE and Starmade, new emperor is to be elected.
    • May 14, 2014: Election results are in, the new emperor is Nauvran.
    • May 17, 2014: a small poem about the new TE homeworld, written by the newly elected emperor.
    • June 5, 2014. The Tararan Empire beings an aggressive recruitment campaign for new or old Starmade members.
    • July 9, 2014: TwoNiner mocks the TE and continue to do so until war started. The mockery continues for a long time.
    • July 11, 2014: Tartaran Eempire officially declares war on Calderon Republic.
    • July 14, 2014: The TE announces an attack will take place on the CR and gives 30 minutes preparation, the CR do not answer and hides offline.
    • July 20, 2014: The TE moves to Elwyn Eternity.
    • Cease fire between CR and TE was created.
    • August 6, 2014: Cease fire ended by the hands of CR.
    • September 30, 2014 Peace has finally been achieved between TE and CR.
    • October 7, 2014: Pun attack on the TE thread starts. Ends October 11.
    • October 13, 2014-October 18, 2014:Various arranged battles happens with DFN/NFD and CR.
    • October 22, 2014: The Empire have created a new superior shipyard with better defences.
    • October 25, 2014: TE "invaded" an arranged battle between CR and NFD. NFD had invited the TE. Huge discussions about this.
    • October 30, 2014: The Tartaran Empire becomes allies with Starfleet.
    • November 10, 2014: Conflict from October 25 has been neutralised and CR and TE is once again at peace.
    • November 15, 2014: TE starts roams on EE, to encourage PvP. TE apologizes for making the members of Solar Empire rage quit and apologizes for the unfair battle with SE. Keptick agreed to a small fight and won, making the TE realises they needed to work on their teamwork capabilities.
    • December 22, 2014. Nauvran takes a break from starmade and leaves the faction to Kiwionthemoon, Chevalleis, Incap, and Dolovo. The reasons being the events with CoK.
    • January 7, 2015: Incap takes a break again for personal reasons.
    • January 10, 2015: New Hades shipyard under construction (never finished).
    • April 7, 2015: After a longer period of "being frozen" the Tartaran Empire starts working again. An experience system is being made as well as a guide for TE members (not finished).
    • April 20, 2015: The Tartaran Empire is declared dead. In order to conserve the legacy of the Tartaran Empire, all members will be transferred into the Tartaran expatriates; a semi-autonomous division under the command of the Arstotzkan empire.

    A history of the Tartaran Empire
    It is a fitting to summarise the history of the empire as best we can, although no words can do it justice:
    In the late October of 2013, a group of players, tired of the petty bickering and disorganization prevalent in their previous factions, mainly the then-decaying DFN, came together for a common cause. They wanted to create a faction that emphasized teamwork and competence, one that didn't crumble under its own weight or slowly rot away. To this end, those players spent two months planning their brainchild, both on the Starmade site and Skype. Their efforts culminated in the founding of The Tartaran Empire. Its founding members were Incap, the first emperor, Nauvran, the second emperor, Dolovo, kiwionthemoon, psp1122, AdmiralThrawn and Chevalleis. The faction grew rapidly after its creation, and at its height had around 25-30 members.

    TE has fought many battles. Even excluding the numerous individuals that have picked a fight with the Tartaran Empire, its has had no shortage of enemies. The Borg, Mobile Core, Debrisian Federal Navy, Calderon Republic (an impressive 3 wars), Eternity Horizon, Alliance Armada, Odium - some of these fights it won, some of them it lost, and all the while its members had tons of fun. At one point it even had plans of declaring war on every single faction on NASS and, later, Elwyn.

    TE has been an elusive entity for most of its existence - even those acquainted with it have a hard time pinning it down. It has been regarded as en elite battle group, a lumbering empire, a close-knit group of players, a threat, a friend, a wild card. At its core have been the members which form its backbone, the people who helped make it what it was. Along with the founders, the following players among many truly pushed TE to its limits and made it shine like a sea of stars in the night: MrTargareyan, iHasTnt, SukuSukuMei, Tybalt, Taerlach, Crigo, Zeveryn, Kuhaica, and many others. We have had many notable Starmade players among our ranks: refirendum, TwoNiner (ahahaha), Comr4de, and others. Also worthy of mention are AAlexandrosTGreat and Mjjj, our first ever members.

    In short, the TE has known both great glory and great decline. It is because of the increasing periods of inactivity, both in length and severity, that we have decided to perform this drastic operation. The TE does not slowly grow moldy and decompose. It goes out with the fury of a thousand suns. And it is for this intensity, intertwining with its rogue-like qualities, that the TE is and will forevermore be known for.

    Should be precise enough​


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    How I met(created) the Tartaran Empire

    The story starts on NASS
    • August, 2013: Tartaran Empire: Nauvran joins NFD, Incap wants to marry Nauvran after seeing the old HODT. (yes weird, I was shocked).
    • October, 2013: (after the second DFN/Vaygr war, more precisely after the DFN homebase was buildblocked) Kiwionethemoon, Dolovo, Chevalleis, and Nauvran abandon DFN because of the lack of structure and order. The small new team wanted to create a pirate/mercenary faction. Shortly after finding a good station design the team met up with Incap and Admiral Thrawn and the team got a bit bigger.
    We went to Illusive at some point around here.
    • December 1, 2013: After months of planning the Tartaran Empire was finally ready to go public and the faction thread was created. AdmiralThrawn left before TE went public (personal reasons). In the meantime progress on the capital on the home-planet Tartarus had begun.
    • December 1, 2013: Borg collective attacked while the TE was offline, the mass turret protection proved useful.
    • December 5, 2013: CR collapsed and some members migrated to the Tartaran Empire.
    • December 12, 2013: Claru falls "openly" says she is on love with TE and Incap.
    • December 14, 2013: The TE launches an attack against the Borg Collective, both sides lost ships.
    • December 18, 2013: Official trade route with the Void Templars.
    • December 22, 2013: Faction politics are tense, TE keeps isolated but ready to defend itself.
    • December 28, 2013: The Tartaran Empire says no thank you to Odium alliance offer.
    • January 1, 2014: First purge of inactive members.
    • February 2, 2014: AtraUnam threatens/requests a fight with the TE. Nothing happened.
    • February 21, 2014: Reconstructing the organisation, TE changes.
    • March 14, 2014: Any breach of Tartaran space will result in our immediate intervention. War between Odium pact and Lazerus Imperium.
    The faction returns to NASS
    • April 27, 2014: Incap leaves TE and Starmade, new emperor is to be elected.
    • May 14, 2014: Election results are in, the new emperor is Nauvran.
    • May 17, 2014: a small poem about the new TE homeworld, written by the newly elected emperor.
    • June 5, 2014. The Tararan Empire beings an aggressive recruitment campaign for new or old Starmade members.
    • July 9, 2014: TwoNiner mocks the TE and continue to do so until war started. The mockery continues for a long time.
    • July 11, 2014: Tartaran Eempire officially declares war on Calderon Republic.
    • July 14, 2014: The TE announces an attack will take place on the CR and gives 30 minutes preparation, the CR do not answer and hides offline.
    • July 20, 2014: The TE moves to Elwyn Eternity.
    • Cease fire between CR and TE was created.
    • August 6, 2014: Cease fire ended by the hands of CR.
    • September 30, 2014 Peace has finally been achieved between TE and CR.
    • October 7, 2014: Pun attack on the TE thread starts. Ends October 11.
    • October 13, 2014-October 18, 2014:Various arranged battles happens with DFN/NFD and CR.
    • October 22, 2014: The Empire have created a new superior shipyard with better defences.
    • October 25, 2014: TE "invaded" an arranged battle between CR and NFD. NFD had invited the TE. Huge discussions about this.
    • October 30, 2014: The Tartaran Empire becomes allies with Starfleet.
    • November 10, 2014: Conflict from October 25 has been neutralised and CR and TE is once again at peace.
    • November 15, 2014: TE starts roams on EE, to encourage PvP. TE apologizes for making the members of Solar Empire rage quit and apologizes for the unfair battle with SE. Keptick agreed to a small fight and won, making the TE realises they needed to work on their teamwork capabilities.
    • December 22, 2014. Nauvran takes a break from starmade and leaves the faction to Kiwionthemoon, Chevalleis, Incap, and Dolovo. The reasons being the events with CoK.
    • January 7, 2015: Incap takes a break again for personal reasons.
    • January 10, 2015: New Hades shipyard under construction (never finished).
    • April 7, 2015: After a longer period of "being frozen" the Tartaran Empire starts working again. An experience system is being made as well as a guide for TE members (not finished).
    • April 20, 2015: The Tartaran Empire is declared dead. In order to conserve the legacy of the Tartaran Empire, all members will be transferred into the Tartaran expatriates; a semi-autonomous division under the command of the Arstotzkan empire.
    A history of the Tartaran Empire
    It is a fitting to summarise the history of the empire as best we can, although no words can do it justice:
    In the late October of 2013, a group of players, tired of the petty bickering and disorganization prevalent in their previous factions, mainly the then-decaying DFN, came together for a common cause. They wanted to create a faction that emphasized teamwork and competence, one that didn't crumble under its own weight or slowly rot away. To this end, those players spent two months planning their brainchild, both on the Starmade site and Skype. Their efforts culminated in the founding of The Tartaran Empire. Its founding members were Incap, the first emperor, Nauvran, the second emperor, Dolovo, kiwionthemoon, psp1122, AdmiralThrawn and Chevalleis. The faction grew rapidly after its creation, and at its height had around 25-30 members.

    TE has fought many battles. Even excluding the numerous individuals that have picked a fight with the Tartaran Empire, its has had no shortage of enemies. The Borg, Mobile Core, Debrisian Federal Navy, Calderon Republic (an impressive 3 wars), Eternity Horizon, Alliance Armada, Odium - some of these fights it won, some of them it lost, and all the while its members had tons of fun. At one point it even had plans of declaring war on every single faction on NASS and, later, Elwyn.

    TE has been an elusive entity for most of its existence - even those acquainted with it have a hard time pinning it down. It has been regarded as en elite battle group, a lumbering empire, a close-knit group of players, a threat, a friend, a wild card. At its core have been the members which form its backbone, the people who helped make it what it was. Along with the founders, the following players among many truly pushed TE to its limits and made it shine like a sea of stars in the night: MrTargareyan, iHasTnt, SukuSukuMei, Tybalt, Taerlach, Crigo, Zeveryn, Kuhaica, and many others. We have had many notable Starmade players among our ranks: refirendum, TwoNiner (ahahaha), Comr4de, and others. Also worthy of mention are AAlexandrosTGreat and Mjjj, our first ever members.

    In short, the TE has known both great glory and great decline. It is because of the increasing periods of inactivity, both in length and severity, that we have decided to perform this drastic operation. The TE does not slowly grow moldy and decompose. It goes out with the fury of a thousand suns. And it is for this intensity, intertwining with its rogue-like qualities, that the TE is and will forevermore be known for.

    Should be precise enough​
    Feel free to add this stuff to the doc.
    Dec 29, 2013
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    Second operation was a success, ending in the disbandment of the coalition. We moved to EE and left the sponsored server when conflicts with the sponsors began.
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    Cobalt Royalty was made in the end of March 2015 when Calderon Republic was at the breaking point to serve as a new faction for the old players to play together in.


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    July 22nd 2012- the Debrisian Federal Navy (DFN) was founded.

    October 3rd 2012- The DFN enters a long, heated conflict with the Starmadian Galactic Navy (SGN). It continues for just over a year.

    October 8th, 2013- The conflict between the SGN and DFN ends with the most comprehensive treaty in the history of the Starmade community,, and the forums are at peace for a little under a month. (Reference- http://oldsite.star-made.org/content/treaty-between-sr-dfn-gr-usf-fs-saturn-ba-uei-de-ra-and-uaf)

    October 27th 2013- After weeks of small, isolated skirmishes, the Vaygr Empire launches a direct attack on the DFN homebase on NASS main at two in the morning, catching the two DFN members online at the time off guard. This kicks off one of the largest, most all-encompassing wars in the history of the Starmade community, which still technically continues to this day, three years later. This conflict, when looked at objectively, is a real life example of an immovable object meeting an unstoppable force.

    November 9th 2013- The first conflict between the Vaygr and DFN ends with a battle consisting of two teams of fifteen players each. The results were inconclusive as the servers at the time could not handle the activity and player count.

    November 11th 2013- A white peace is agreed upon by both parties. Vaygr goes back on their agreement and declares a victory, which is heavily debated by the community at the time. The divides caused by this war and its aftermath have defined the faction political landscape to this day.

    November 14th 2013- The DFN decides to move to Illusive to be closer to the UAF capital and the other UAF factions in the event of another war.

    November 15th 2013- The DFN partners with the CR in defense against a number of player-pirates and mercenaries bent on taking out both factions.

    December 6th 2013- Bradley (42828) betrays the DFN and steals Ithaca Base. The base defenses, still under DFN control, fire on the station center, spawnkilling him repeatedly until two DFN cruisers arrive and retake the base as the pilots and three crew members enter the main superstructure and recapture it from Bradley and one of his accomplices. This is the only known instance of astronaut PvP being used in actual combat to date. Bradley escapes with a stolen DFN light cruiser and somehow also got his hands on a TE heavy cruiser as well. He is beaten back and never sees the light of day again.

    December 16th 2013- The DFMC (Debrisian Federal Marine Corps) is founded. It ends up being a miserable failure and is rarely mentioned by those involved.

    December 28th 2013- The Brotherhood falls after battle plans against the DFN are are leaked to DFN high command within five minutes of their drafting. The final Brotherhood faction quits the alliance on January 4th, 2014.

    January 7th 2014- A DFN operative steals a Vaygr frigate. A minor skirmish ensues, where a Vaygr pilot is killed by a DFMC base defense turret. The DFMC had previously docked or cleared their space of any ships, expecting an attack on a Vaygr dominated server.

    February 9th 2014- The DFN begins direct assaults on the homebases of Illusive player-pirates after the CR falls. Results are overwhelmingly positive, and Illusive is pacified from February 13th onward until its second iteration. The raids on the 13th also signify the only time a single DFN member has crashed a major server on their own.

    March 13th 2014- The first time the DFN entered into a conflict under its own will, a DFN strike force deployed to the second iteration of Illusive and set up a base equipped with the new heavy Medusa turrets. Thanks to their dual-computer design, the Medusas served as the mainline DFN and later NFD base defense up until the late ElwynEternity era.

    March 15th 2014- DFN forces open fire on a Euro-Corp base and an Omega Corporation base alongside Lazarus Imperium and other Athanatos forces, starting another war. Four DFN titans eventually enter the fray, leveling Odium Pact assets as they went. This is the first major war the DFN took part in where it sustained no casualties.

    March 18th 2014- The Athanatos Concord is officially founded, and the DFN is one of the founding factions. It battles the Odium Pact on Illusive until the server shuts down.

    September 2nd 2014- The DFN reforms under the name Nova Fleet Dynamics, as part of a push to restructure itself as a build-oriented faction. All blueprints are released publicly, to high acclaim among the community.

    September 3rd 2014- After the newly formed NFD declares victory over the Odium forces on Illusive after the collapse of two Odium factions. The remaining Odium members flame on the page, which is cleaned up by a moderator soon after.

    October 20th 2014- The NFD founds a presence on ElwynEternity.

    October 26th 2014- A war games between the NFD and CR ends in war when the TE shows up after being invited. The CR members do not realize that the TE is taking part when their ships join the war games on the NFD side.

    October 29th 2014- The NFD engages the SWARM in a brief series of battles leaving the SWARM resources around their HQ in ruins and a SWARM destroyer stolen.

    November 2nd 2014- Due to a complication with personal enemies, two CR cruisers on a peaceful mission warped to the NFD homebase and were immediately gunned down by the base defenses. One cruiser suffered catastrophic damage while the other escaped with 2% shields as its jump drive was already primed. The event is disregarded as a nonissue by both factions.

    November 6th 2014- The NFD server officially opens. To this day, it is the most popular build server in the entire community.

    November 10th 2014- ElwynEternity resets, and the NFD has its homebase spawned in. However, the docked entities are lost and the faction is left to essentially start over.

    November 11th 2014-January 1st 2015- Massive recruitment influx, nearly doubling the size of the NFD.

    December 1st 2014- Commander FlyingDebris takes a hiatus from Starmade, returning a few months later to resume command of the faction*

    *He is still technically not an NFD member, but handles most of the ingame organization on public servers.

    December 21st 2014- The NFD is invited to help draft the charter for the United Elwyn Factions, and becomes a founding member.

    March 6th 2015- Odium forces use a server glitch to grief the unmanned and undefended homebase of the NFD on ElwynEternity. This is the last successful strike Vaygr has delivered to the NFD as of 6/6/2015. The NFD had the opportunity to do likewise after finding out about the attack, but refrained from doing so because of their belief that the action of destroying a homebase is unfair.

    May 30th 2015- A CR frigate is stolen by someone claiming to be NFD. The ensuing situation is very awkward for both parties, as they are technically at war however no one knew who had impersonated NFD leader Creeper__God.

    June 2nd 2015- The NFD signs a peace agreement with the CR. Operations on Shattered Skies come to a halt as there is no point for NFD forces to remain on the server.

    Modern Day.

    The NFD is one of the oldest factions in Starmade, and has existed longer than some real-world nations. Its conflict against the same enemy throughout all these years which is only now starting to draw to a close has lasted longer than some real life wars which started about the same time. The faction has not, is not, and never will bend to the will of those who wish to do it harm. It has survived war after war and came out fighting, even if not always on top. It will continue to exist so long as this community does, and maybe even longer.
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    Jun 20, 2013
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    July 22nd 2012- the Debrisian Federal Navy (DFN) was founded.

    October 3rd 2012- The DFN enters a long, heated conflict with the Starmadian Galactic Navy (SGN). It continues for just over a year.

    October 8th, 2013- The conflict between the SGN and DFN ends with the most comprehensive treaty in the history of the Starmade community,, and the forums are at peace for a little under a month. (Reference- http://oldsite.star-made.org/content/treaty-between-sr-dfn-gr-usf-fs-saturn-ba-uei-de-ra-and-uaf)

    October 27th 2013- After weeks of small, isolated skirmishes, the Vaygr Empire launches a direct attack on the DFN homebase on NASS main at two in the morning, catching the two DFN members online at the time off guard. This kicks off one of the largest, most all-encompassing wars in the history of the Starmade community, which still technically continues to this day, three years later. This conflict, when looked at objectively, is a real life example of an immovable object meeting an unstoppable force.

    November 9th 2013- The first conflict between the Vaygr and DFN ends with a battle consisting of two teams of fifteen players each. The results were inconclusive as the servers at the time could not handle the activity and player count.

    November 11th 2013- A white peace is agreed upon by both parties. Vaygr goes back on their agreement and declares a victory, which is heavily debated by the community at the time. The divides caused by this war and its aftermath have defined the faction political landscape to this day.

    November 14th 2013- The DFN decides to move to Illusive to be closer to the UAF capital and the other UAF factions in the event of another war.

    November 15th 2013- The DFN partners with the CR in defense against a number of player-pirates and mercenaries bent on taking out both factions.

    December 6th 2013- Bradley (42828) betrays the DFN and steals Ithaca Base. The base defenses, still under DFN control, fire on the station center, spawnkilling him repeatedly until two DFN cruisers arrive and retake the base as the pilots and three crew members enter the main superstructure and recapture it from Bradley and one of his accomplices. This is the only known instance of astronaut PvP being used in actual combat to date. Bradley escapes with a stolen DFN light cruiser and somehow also got his hands on a TE heavy cruiser as well. He is beaten back and never sees the light of day again.

    December 16th 2013- The DFMC (Debrisian Federal Marine Corps) is founded. It ends up being a miserable failure and is rarely mentioned by those involved.

    December 28th 2013- The Brotherhood falls after battle plans against the DFN are are leaked to DFN high command within five minutes of their drafting. The final Brotherhood faction quits the alliance on January 4th, 2014.

    January 7th 2014- A DFN operative steals a Vaygr frigate. A minor skirmish ensues, where a Vaygr pilot is killed by a DFMC base defense turret. The DFMC had previously docked or cleared their space of any ships, expecting an attack on a Vaygr dominated server.

    February 9th 2014- The DFN begins direct assaults on the homebases of Illusive player-pirates after the CR falls. Results are overwhelmingly positive, and Illusive is pacified from February 13th onward until its second iteration. The raids on the 13th also signify the only time a single DFN member has crashed a major server on their own.

    March 13th 2014- The first time the DFN entered into a conflict under its own will, a DFN strike force deployed to the second iteration of Illusive and set up a base equipped with the new heavy Medusa turrets. Thanks to their dual-computer design, the Medusas served as the mainline DFN and later NFD base defense up until the late ElwynEternity era.

    March 15th 2014- DFN forces open fire on a Euro-Corp base and an Omega Corporation base alongside Lazarus Imperium and other Athanatos forces, starting another war. Four DFN titans eventually enter the fray, leveling Odium Pact assets as they went. This is the first major war the DFN took part in where it sustained no casualties.

    March 18th 2014- The Athanatos Concord is officially founded, and the DFN is one of the founding factions. It battles the Odium Pact on Illusive until the server shuts down.

    September 2nd 2014- The DFN reforms under the name Nova Fleet Dynamics, as part of a push to restructure itself as a build-oriented faction. All blueprints are released publicly, to high acclaim among the community.

    September 3rd 2014- After the newly formed NFD declares victory over the Odium forces on Illusive after the collapse of two Odium factions. The remaining Odium members flame on the page, which is cleaned up by a moderator soon after.

    October 20th 2014- The NFD founds a presence on ElwynEternity.

    October 26th 2014- A war games between the NFD and CR ends in war when the TE shows up after being invited. The CR members do not realize that the TE is taking part when their ships join the war games on the NFD side.

    October 29th 2014- The NFD engages the SWARM in a brief series of battles leaving the SWARM resources around their HQ in ruins and a SWARM destroyer stolen.

    November 2nd 2014- Due to a complication with personal enemies, two CR cruisers on a peaceful mission warped to the NFD homebase and were immediately gunned down by the base defenses. One cruiser suffered catastrophic damage while the other escaped with 2% shields as its jump drive was already primed. The event is disregarded as a nonissue by both factions.

    November 6th 2014- The NFD server officially opens. To this day, it is the most popular build server in the entire community.

    November 10th 2014- ElwynEternity resets, and the NFD has its homebase spawned in. However, the docked entities are lost and the faction is left to essentially start over.

    November 11th 2014-January 1st 2015- Massive recruitment influx, nearly doubling the size of the NFD.

    December 1st 2014- Commander FlyingDebris takes a hiatus from Starmade, returning a few months later to resume command of the faction*

    *He is still technically not an NFD member, but handles most of the ingame organization on public servers.

    December 21st 2014- The NFD is invited to help draft the charter for the United Elwyn Factions, and becomes a founding member.

    March 6th 2015- Odium forces use a server glitch to grief the unmanned and undefended homebase of the NFD on ElwynEternity. This is the last successful strike Vaygr has delivered to the NFD as of 6/6/2015. The NFD had the opportunity to do likewise after finding out about the attack, but refrained from doing so because of their belief that the action of destroying a homebase is unfair.

    May 30th 2015- A CR frigate is stolen by someone claiming to be NFD. The ensuing situation is very awkward for both parties, as they are technically at war however no one knew who had impersonated NFD leader Creeper__God.

    June 2nd 2015- The NFD signs a peace agreement with the CR. Operations on Shattered Skies come to a halt as there is no point for NFD forces to remain on the server.

    Modern Day.

    The NFD is one of the oldest factions in Starmade, and has existed longer than some real-world nations. Its conflict against the same enemy throughout all these years which is only now starting to draw to a close has lasted longer than some real life wars which started about the same time. The faction has not, is not, and never will bend to the will of those who wish to do it harm. It has survived war after war and came out fighting, even if not always on top. It will continue to exist so long as this community does, and maybe even longer.
    lots of things


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    It's 7:40 right now, I started writing and researching at 2:15. ^^ And, that's what happens when you've got *checks dates* two years and eleven months of history filled with incidents. Heck, I could've gone rambling on about every specific engagement and outcome if I wanted to, but I got tired of writing.
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    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    "- Cobalt Royalty and Vaygr empire have a small skirmish with the Thryn Monarchy and the Tartaran Expatriates. Cobalt Royalty and Vaygr were victorious. " -Aceface Pandora

    I don't remember any skirmishes between us in April. Neither does Jaaskinal.