Docked ship components should share stats with mother ship

    Dec 28, 2014
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    So something that has been bugging me as I am building a new ship is how, in most circumstances, modular components are functionally useless. This is glaringly apparent to me with the ship I have which consists mostly of parts that need to move, and currently the only way to have this functionality is with rail docking. I have looked through the forums and have seen similar suggestions, but i'm not quite sure if it has been addressed or not - anyway, I can understand turrets only sharing shields, and only at 50+%, but this does not easily equate to other things IMO. (I.E getting hit by a missile bring shields down to 45%, but blows up the landing gear stowed inside the craft somehow. Currently, you're better off just using plex doors).

    Instead, could we maybe have it to where anything not docked via the turret axis, and maybe no BOBBY AI, have full shielding and possibly shared stats? I have seen people say this could be used to make thrusters/power systems to circumvent the curve for larger ships, but if the combined ship is treated as a single entity I would assume this wouldn't be possible.
    Aug 28, 2013
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    This is why we need a differentation between "I will be using this for landing gear/because it looks good/to catch stuff" as opposed to "I will be using this to increase the stats on my ship." like a docked reactor or a turret or autocannon"
    Sep 24, 2014
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    This is why we need a differentation between "I will be using this for landing gear/because it looks good/to catch stuff" as opposed to "I will be using this to increase the stats on my ship." like a docked reactor or a turret or autocannon"
    Maybe if an entity has no inherent stats like power regen, shield, thrust etc. then it shares full stats? Sounds like a quick and easy fix. That way rail doors aren't as bad and the system can't be abused.


    The reason Deb needs meds
    Nov 20, 2013
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    Things already share power btw.

    But yes, this is not needed, but would be extremely useful and awesome and stuff, like attachable shielding/batteries.

    Just needs to work both ways.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Shield transfer should work like power transfer IMHO. Those systems just need to not set off "under fire". I do really think rails with engines at the very least be able to share those stats with the mother-ship.

    Although I would love for being able to create truly modular ships... Would be great for some RP type servers. Buy a shell, buy a power core, a shield generate and some thrusters. You are limited to the modules you can buy for your ship and better modules means a better ship. It would be almost a whole new game... at least a meta game.
    Sep 24, 2014
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    Shield transfer should work like power transfer IMHO. Those systems just need to not set off "under fire". I do really think rails with engines at the very least be able to share those stats with the mother-ship.

    Although I would love for being able to create truly modular ships... Would be great for some RP type servers. Buy a shell, buy a power core, a shield generate and some thrusters. You are limited to the modules you can buy for your ship and better modules means a better ship. It would be almost a whole new game... at least a meta game.
    Wow! That's sounds awesome!


    Befriender of Worlds
    Dec 23, 2014
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    Agree 100% that the status quo is unacceptable. Landing gear, folding wings, and sliding doors are all well and good but the way the system works currently robs the player of one of the key benefits of the new docking system, and that is to create a modular ship where a group of separate entities combine with a central entity to create a working ship with systems shared among the modules.

    Of course, one must also consider the difference between a ship being temporarily docked to another ship, and a modular component being permanently docked. The system right now works for the former scenario but not for the latter. That is why I wrote this thread about the possibility of creating a 2nd core type designed specifically for modular components - the difference between these and the standard ship core is that their stand-alone options would be limited to basic manuvering and docking, but docking them to a ship would allow that ship to use the systems on the module. You can read more on that here: