At the beginning after the server reset, a faction known as The SWARM declared war on CR for no reasons given. At the time it was ignored, but it was noticed that still, after all this time the faction is still at war without anything happening.
However, the relations were looked upon, and The SWARM had been in a huge armed conflict with the Odium pact.
Brave Cobalt Royalty scouts found 15 hours ago a massive SWARM outpost, undefended composing of hundred of thousands of green standard armor. The outpost also had a massive power capacitor of 1 billion energy units.
CR deployed its first Purifier Class frigate Covert ops edition and Vaygr deployed a manticore tactical strike bomber to light the outpost up. The outpost was bombed to the ground, and the remains were given to newbies so that they could get on their feet quicker, such as captain_enderguy from NFD.
At the beginning after the server reset, a faction known as The SWARM declared war on CR for no reasons given. At the time it was ignored, but it was noticed that still, after all this time the faction is still at war without anything happening.
However, the relations were looked upon, and The SWARM had been in a huge armed conflict with the Odium pact.
Brave Cobalt Royalty scouts found 15 hours ago a massive SWARM outpost, undefended composing of hundred of thousands of green standard armor. The outpost also had a massive power capacitor of 1 billion energy units.
CR deployed its first Purifier Class frigate Covert ops edition and Vaygr deployed a manticore tactical strike bomber to light the outpost up. The outpost was bombed to the ground, and the remains were given to newbies so that they could get on their feet quicker, such as captain_enderguy from NFD.


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