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    Trident Deep-space Outpost QF 1.0

    Game version
    Modified Trident Deep Space Outpost Station to work in Star-Made 0.203.108.


    Original build by Jake_Lancia of the Trident Deep-Space Outpost.

    From times gone by this is a modification of an old station to work in the current version of Star-Made. The station now has a reactor with chambers added. The station has a max level scanner to see cloaked ships. This scanner is active when you spawn the station. It does not remain active when you end your game session. However on multiplayer servers the scanner remains active untill the server reboots. Regardless of how many times you log off or days gone by. The Hammerhead ship has been reworked and has perma cloak. Use this to test how stations can see cloaked ships!

    Two ball turrets were added modifications from the EGG Research Station by Tshara The rebuild habitation pod is also added on the docking ring in a matching color scheme.



    The factory has been remade in a simpler form and now has a public section. The shopblock has cargo blocks added to it.

    The station is to be used as a Home Base or can be added to the default stations Blueprints so it gets used on the Star-Made map when you create a new map. Its best use on a map is as an extra Trading-Guild or Derelict Station. The scanner will then be active as well the first time you encounter it on the map.

    To do this go to your StarMade folder and unZip the file into the \blueprints\trading-guild or \blueprints-stations\neutral folder.

    To use the station yourself unzip the download into the \blueprints folder.




    First release
    Last update
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