TIE/IN interceptor

    TIE/IN interceptor 2.0

    I just love all your ships so far...
    One of my absolute favourites of the TIE Series of ships, Brilliant work, amazing use of up-scaling to sacrifice no little detail, and amazing use of rails and slabs to make every part of this ship a viable piece of it's systems
    I wish you had made all four of these a single download pack but since that is not the case I'll post my review here on my favorite of them.
    This is the most satisfying little fighter to fly and when i spawned in sixteen of them as pirates they ripped through my big falcon! I'll take a hundred please!
    Here's my one gripe though, and it is a big one: YOU CANNOT OPEN THE HATCH FROM OUTSIDE!!!!!!! to bring this on a server I'll have to first save a blueprint with the hatch already open so i can get in the damn thing. and also i'll remove the display module with your signature as without it the view from the core is just perfect. nice job sir.
    I have uploaded a picture of the location of the button that controls the hatch from the outside of the ship. Each fighter was equipped with it although the TIE bomber's was more prominent.