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    The Death Rattle 2017-02-27

    I think its a decent little ship. Yes, the interior is blank, but that just leaves it open for anyone to add their own. Whats wrong with that? The exterior is flat, yes, but the color pattern is rather nice.

    Good job, I hope to see more of your work in the future.
    Thank you for the kind words. As I mostly play single-player, rather than on a server, I am quite frankly wholly inexperienced with interior builds. Also, as someone who is red/green colorblind, I feel that I am unqualified to be making interior design decisions for other people.

    Some of the color combinations I find to be fun, interesting or downright pleasant, others find to be eye-blistering. So I leave that up to them.

    While I have never made the claim that my ships are especially pretty, I do like for them to be good at what they're built to do. This craft is my 'Ace-in-the-Hole' so to speak.

    If you need to bring down large game while being nimble and hard to hit, this is your ship. From the enemy's perspective, the ship has a very slim target profile. If you strap on 8 small AMS turrets above and below at the 'corners' of the craft, they have full interlocking and clear fields of fire. Then the ship becomes very, very hard to kill, rather than simply difficult to kill.

    This goes for any other turrets you wish to mount as well.
    Needs interior, better exterior design as well. Anyone could build that thing.
    Well... Maybe you try to build some kind of interior? You know, exposed systems are not that great. Also, while definitely bright and festive, the hull just prays for more detailing.
    I updated the original entry a little bit in order to explain in part why the hull is sleek, with pics of it in my bay.

    As for the interior, I'm red/green colorblind. You do not want me making those choices for you. So rather than make players strip out an ugly interior, I left it blank for them to customize as they choose. You will note that the only exposed systems are on the interior of the ship, along with a few of the thrusters in the rear for effect. Everything else is under light standard armor, to heavy advanced and crystal armor at the prow.

    It is a fine purpose-built Pocket Destroyer military ship/drone. Not a cruise liner or show-piece. I can only ask that you consider it as such.

    If you're facing a battle fierce enough to warrant riding a real beast of a ship into it, wouldn't you rather it be in one that is outright designed to be blasted apart around you while keeping you safe and being able to continue fighting, or at least able to limp back to port?

    I would. So I built it. Now I offer it up for others who might wish to have such a blueprint in their catalog to be used at need.