Tayra Class Heavy Defense Turret

    Tayra Class Heavy Defense Turret 2015-02-07

    Great model. I've seen many ppl on my server using it already.
    Great of you to put a turret design up. There are very few just turrets downloads. It's a nice big turret to. The door on top that leads to the Bobby AI. It's very dark in there and the Bobby AI module sits on the bottom. Had a hard time locating it maybe add a light source.

    This turret needs a big dock. Moving the barrel a little backward puts the core more at the centre. That way the dock won't have to be bigger then the turret.
    I will agree that it is very dark inside the control room, but I will disagree on terms of core placement. I pushed the stand back as for looks, and left the core in the back as to prevent the turret from going into the station/ship it is docked on to.