Starter Station

    Starter Station 2015-12-07

    Even years after this was put out I still see these pop up all the time. Great little space hovel for most survival servers.
    another fine starter. i found this and a starter ship on the same day so i down loaded both love them both i have been slowly up grading this staition. i added spaced advancd armor around the living section added more power and am in the process of upgrading the docking section. when i am done with that you will be able to dock and walk up to the main hab area. when done and with your pemission i would like to upload it. wraitheart salvage and refitters
    granted. feel free to upload your upgrades :)
    Does what it means to. Looks decent in the process!
    I like not needing to mess with setting up a first factory
    knowing that once I've mined a bit more I'll just need
    to scrap it and set up a new better factory in a day or
    two with the profits from the first.