FINALLY! First release! I'm so happy that this is done and even happier that it's progressed this far since I first posted it up here. I still have some plans for the unused interior space, but that update will come at a later time. I'm taking a break and starting a new project now.
Many thanks to Tshara for his absolutely invaluable feedback.
v1.0 Changes:
Added aft engine pods
- Buffed thrust to 93k to counteract increasing mass
Added primary lock-on explosive missiles
-Buffed power storage to 170m so they could actually fire
Added general color scheme to interior & exterior (black and blue, black blue and white, respectively)
- Painted hull
Redid designs on the missile tubes
Added 8 rail-driven deployable point defense turrets to front section
Added a lot of logic to the elevator: Once in transit, call buttons cannot change the elevator's destination (though the buttons in the elevator can), green lights on each deck indicate the elevator is going to (or is at) that deck.
Added a sixth and seventh docked reactor to compensate for immense power drain of engines and to rebuild stores faster after missile launch
Overhauled interior paint scheme and design
Stress tested and (hopefully) fool-proofed all logic systems
Fixed glitchy power supply beam
Fixed a few logic anomalies relating to combination lock