Riesland - Zauber

    Riesland - Zauber 1.0








    The Zauber - or "Magic" - is an old mainstay of Riesland's fleets; a chunky-looking abomination of a 49-meter Heavy Gunship, equipped with light, rapid-fire armaments intended for hunting down and wiping out fighters and drones to clear the way for capital ships. Despite its age, it is equipped with a sophisticated ECM package, giving it a reputation among its foes for being virtually impossible to hit. The hull is a no-frills, no-snag design with minimal protrusions, intended for use in cramped docking bays and modular fighter racks.

    Most who tour its small interior are surprised to find creature comforts such as overhead viewports, a bed, a bench seat with safety harnesses (though, since it's mounted sideways, most who've tried it when the vessel is in motion complain of whiplash), and ample storage.

    This particular example of the type, with its audacious livery featuring the colors of the Matthias family crest and a skull and crossbones, belongs to the Royal Guard's infamous Hangman Squadron, who trace their origins to a group of pirates and drifters who found their way into the upper echelons of Riesland's military after their entire way of life was torn asunder by the invasion of the brutal, merciless Khanate.


    Designation: Zauber

    Type: Gunship

    Mass: 475.0 (Blocks: 4750)
    Length: 49m, Height: 9m; Width: 21m
    Power: 50000.0/50000.0 (100668.1 e/sec)
    Thrust: 1033.3; PowerCons: 530.0; (blocks: 530)
    TurningSpeed: X-Axis: 1.7 , Y-Axis: 2.5, Z-Axis: 1.3
    Shields: 21516.0/21516.0 (2029.0 s/sec): Blocks R/C: 369/443; PowerCons: 2029.0


    It has a Cannon/Cannon weapon system in 4 groups, doing a modest 2440 DPS at a paltry 61 damage per projectile. It has a RadarJammer and can jam indefinitely, even while applying thrust, recharging shields and firing weapons all at the same time, thanks to a generous power output (about 93k consumption maximum versus 100k regen). It also has two slow-charging jumpdrives, allowing it to jump into the fray and jump right back out.
    First release
    Last update
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