Quantum Pack

    Quantum Pack V1.4

    Quantum 15 - The fastest Quantum yet. With an 8 second jump charge, a new Trident technology, holographic armor, and the classic Quantum maneuverability, it is a devastating vessel with an emphasis on speed and jump drive.

    Quantum 9.1 - As well as matching the firepower and strength of the SR2 and SR3 easily, it is a fast, nimble and powerful one-off vessel which later formed the Q10 (Prototype).
    This ship was long thought lost, but recent developments had uncovered a blueprint of this one-off vessel.

    Also updated OP to include Q9.1 in pack description.
    New Quantum: Quantum 14!

    The latest in the venerable series the Q14 has over 100 000 additional shields over the next strongest, Q10, and new beams designed to quickly melt hull plating and systems. Based on the old Alpha, it could easily accommodate the new systems Trident Industries added to increase shield capacity and damage drastically over Q10.

    Also updated OP to add Q14 to pack description.
    The Quantum 10 (prototype) did not actually match its stated description of being 'three times the firepower' of other variants. This error has now been corrected, and the description modified to reflect the new value.

    Sorry for any inconvenience.