Predator Frigate

    Predator Frigate 1.1

    The Predator Frigate is a fast attack ship designed to take down much bigger foes.

    A massive Doomsday Torpedo in its hangar puts larger capital ships at risk: the bomb can tear a hole in hull to let boarding parties eradicate unsuspecting crew.

    Like any good warship the interior is cramped, sacrificing comfort for weapons and shields. It has a real nice claustrophobic feel inside.

    Reminiscent of a bird of prey, the Predator can sneak up on its target, obliterate its shields, and tear holes in armor before the victim knows it's too late to run.

    • Mass: 40,992
    • L = 282 m / W = 203 m / H = 83 m
    • Power: 20 million (2.23 million/sec recharge)
    • Thrust: zero to 230 m/s in 20 seconds
    • Shields: 8 million (230,714/sec recharge)
    • 4 x wingtip mounted damage beam
      • Continuous fire
      • 100% shield drain
      • 1,000 m range
    • 2 x dual barrel anti-matter cannons
      • Rapid fire
      • 100% overdrive effect (added damage)
      • 2,500 m range
    • 1 x long-range lock-on missile
      • 1.87 million damage
      • 100% punch through effect
      • 9,600 m range
    • 6 x heat-seeking missiles
      • Vertical auto-fire
      • 100% explosive effect
    • Doomsday torpedo
      • Auto-launch
      • Push effect/clock propulsion
    • 3 x dual barrel anti-fighter cannons
    • 5 x dual barrel anti-missile cannons
    • Rapid auto-jump chain drive & backup jump drive
    • Radar jamming
    • 6-man transporter system with anti-personnel defensive system
    • Aft cargo storage & 3 cargo pods
    • Escape pod
    • Ship-wide red-alert warning
    • This ship is basically an homage to the Burning Amber by Tshara. Though my talents are far less developed, I appreciate inspiration. Cargo pods and anti-missile turrets are direct copies. Thanks Tshara!
    • The chain drive is the work of alterintel. It works great! What a brilliant design, thanks!
    • The idea for the wedge doors came from facc00. Thanks dude, looking forward to seeing you online!
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    First release
    Last update
    5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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    1. Perma jamming update

      Hi all, This update includes several upgrades made after field testing the ship on GenX Nova...

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    ok 3rd ship this size this detail -> 5 stars...
    already gave you my thoughts in the video comments but i had a tour today so here a few little remarks. Beam weapons require you to get in range for them to fire. With a TMR < 1 even a carrier could dodge your shield wrecking beams by just staying at a distance. You are way to heavy for your size.
    You put a missile into a ship that deals 1.8 million damage using roughly 18 million power? And then gets shot down by an ams turret for 1 hp... enemy missiles won't hit you either thanks to your ams but they eventually also would just hit you for way less also consuming way less... and using their ships power - to hurt you more without you being able to negate it. Once shields are down your turrets go bye bye and then they will strike you hard for hull and system damage even though they really hurt for just a fraction of your missile.
    It is a great ship nicely done i just wanted to leave these thoughts here...
    Just for fun I loaded up a copy of the Burning Amber to see how it would do against it. Its main beam weapons are barely able to get through the shield regen under fire.

    Two of them working together however would probably take it down. Somewhat expected giving the mass difference.

    Anything closer to its own mass it will take down no problem.

    It’s got a very decent amount of interior and I’m loving that. I might have missed it but there are no crew quarters?

    The bomb bay was a very need idea to add. One time use only unfortunately. Now we really need shipyards on ships just so you can build more in the bomb bay. A good alternative would be to add a small fighter to the bay instead of the bomb.

    As for the cargo. Add a Worker Bee somewhere to give the idea that can be used to move it.

    Over all a very uniquely shaped design and good use of elements incorporated that inspired you. You made it your own.
    Thanks Tshara, those comments mean a lot coming from someone who builds incredible ships. I'll look at your feedback. No crew quarters, I guess they can sleep in the halls lol.