New Yorkshire

    New Yorkshire 1.0

    The New Yorkshire is a small mining ship, ideal for the early game due to it's low cost. It can eat an asteroid in decent time and has decent cargo storage, especially for its size. The ship also contains a small interior, complete with crew quarters, a bathroom and a break room. Complete with a jump drive and some hefty shielding, it packs a lot of utility in a small area.

    This ship originated many versions ago, long before the weapons overall. It originally sported decent turrets, and could rip apart groups of Isanth's and capture pirate stations relatively easily. Overtime however it became harder and harder to keep its weaponry up to standard so it was eventually converted to a pure civilian vessel.

    Mass: 2,305
    L: 70 H: 22 W: 41
    Power: 698,763.4 (143,682.9 e/sec)
    Thrust: 2,274.5
    Shields: 213,544 (357 s/sec)

    Structure HP: 1,049,700
    Armour HP: 609,500
    Damage penalty: 0.71

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