MSF Hydra

    MSF Hydra 2016-06-05

    They mythological hydra: a great serpent which dealt death from many heads. So numerous were they that when one was cut off, two more seemed to grow in its place. Sporting an arsenal of deadly weapon systems and turrets, the Mobile Space Force's Hydra-class vessel was aptly named.

    The MSF Hydra is a destroyer-escort designed to chew up and spit out enemy fighters and escort vessels. Four Light Plasma Cannon turrets spew a barrage of death at enemy fighters and missiles alike. On the underside, two Medium Plasma Cannon turrets are capable of coring fighters and light escorts in a single shot. Four High Explosive Heat-Seeking (HEHS) missile launchers round out Hydra's vast anti-fighter arsenal. The MSF Hydra saves its most dangerous head for enemy capital ships--the deadly Particle Accelerator Cannon.

    As a ship of the line, the MSF Hydra features many amenities in order to facilitate long tours in space. Features include:
    -Core Room
    -Bridge (CIC)
    -Secondary (Manual) Bridge
    -Medical Room
    -Storage Room
    -Mess Hall
    -Officer and Enlisted billets



    Mess Hall:

    The MSF Hydra will be posted as part of my faction submission.
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    Visually this thing is gorgeous, lovely departure from the grey greebleboxes. Interior does a lot with the space (I have no idea how you managed this much on such a small ship) logic works well for the most part, didn't have any glaring trouble.

    This might just be preference but i always hate this door setup since the door doesn't close if you run up to it and back off, and the whole thing is a disaster with multiple people running around. I prefer to use one detection area on both size; connected to a series of delay blocks; then all delay blocks connected to an or block, then the or block controlling the door. That way the door opens when someone approaches and stays open for as long as the delay series determines, think it would help a lot since interior is quite cramped.

    I don't have much to contribute here since most of the ship is well above my level aesthetically, looking forward to fleet submission


    Unfortunately all that advanced armor is dragging your ship down hard; Ship is too slow to flank larger ships and lacks ion effect for defense, both of which would be much easier fitted without all the mass dragging it down. Maybe swapping engine boxes and wingtops for hull wouldn't ruin exterior too badly?

    Main guns are good, nice to see swarmers aren't 100% slave so they can actually chase.

    Top turrets are lacking; they are too weak to go through hull blocks and even some system blocks: not good. Consider swapping slave for pulse so they can hit interior, or converting to ams since the ship is lacking that completely.

    The medium turrets are ok but would benefit from punchthrough slave more than overdrive i think

    Overall very nice build!
    Thanks for the input. Fitting that interior took a lot of planning and a few design sacrifices.

    The detection blocks for the doors are best for solo-play, that is true. I've seen the delay block system and that too has its faults, but I'll take another look at it.

    The faction thread implies that the combat capabilities of these faction ships should be reduced in favor of better interiors. Having faction ships be weaker than player-made ships is also sort of necessary from a gaming perspective in my opinion. As such, the decision to make the Hydra slower was a conscious decision based on that fact--players in small fighters should be able to run away if they realize they can't match the Hydra's shields and firepower.

    As for the firepower itself, the top turrets are small and not intended to be powerful. The medium turrets I believe are Piercing, but you are right, Punch-Through might work better.