The Manibus is 373m long, 83m tall, and 79m wide with 70k mass. She was built for destruction, she's equipped with two rapid fire cannons, two explosive cannons, 5 lock on missiles, 10 swarmers, and an Ion beam that will drop 1.6 million shields. She also has a nuke, which is guaranteed to be a one shot one kill on anything less than 200m. She has over 5 million shields, 146 million power, and generates 2.37 million a second. She has a good bit of roll play room too, she has a large hanger with 4 next gen fighters, a med bay, mess hall, crew and officer quarters, a great Bridge, a Cargo bay with rail door access, and a great core room. The ship has a fair amount of logic and two awesome airlocks that I stole from bench. Please leave a review, Thanks.