
    1. MattDavidS

      MS Manibus 2016-07-22

      The Manibus is 373m long, 83m tall, and 79m wide with 70k mass. She was built for destruction, she's equipped with two rapid fire cannons, two explosive cannons, 5 lock on missiles, 10 swarmers, and an Ion beam that will drop 1.6 million shields. She also has a nuke, which is guaranteed to be a...
    2. GalactusX

      Implemented Display Module change with Logic Signal

      Plain and simple ... the same way as the rail system lets you change the orientation with a logic signal, I would like that were to be implemented, the possibility of having a display with a predefined text attached to a logical button (or other logical block) can change other display text...
    3. SchnellBier

      SBS Caleri 2016-01-11

      Introducing: The SBS Caleri This Fighter was build for Dalmonts "Next Generation Fighter" Competition. It is designed as a short range fighter without any other purpose than fighting. Maybe I´ll upload a version of this without the mass restriction set by the competition. Additional...