As a fan of EvE I can appreciate the Rifter, and the pain that comes with it. I was, however, surprised you didn't stick with the original Rifter design of 4 high slots ( usually 1 launcher, 3 cannons ). Rather, went for a full cannon/neut fit.

    I do love that you added some decent weapons to it, and I'm undoubtedly grateful! I feel like it needs more punch though ( granted it's technically a frigate ) . Maybe regroup some of those cannons for higher damage and add a launcher?

    Either way, pretty good refit!
    Thanks for the response, I may make an EVE Realistic version later, once I deem this version to be perfect (including better punch through) Ill be sure to let you know when the EVE style fit is out, I mostly play Caldari Ships in EVE, so I pretty much put effectiveness above EVE realisticness in this design, anyways Thanks for the Review :)