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    LP USD 01 2016-01-30

    Hi Fellow StarMade players,

    I've only learned just recently that it has already been discussed at length over the past year (not sure how I missed that), and I also learned a few days ago that Bench's

    design has become the official standard.

    Either way, this is my take on the USD.
    I used Bench's design and logic as my inspiration for the control mechanisms, but the placement and layout is mine and a bit different.
    >>Link to Benches Type-1<<

    LP_USD_01 Specifications (02 7W x 7H x 11L)
    7W x 7H x 7L (without display explaining the buttons)
    XX total blocks
    - XX logic
    - XX Permission

    Separate locking for docking and door.
    Door will auto open upon ship docking, provided it is not locked.
    Door will auto close when lock activated or automatically when ship undocks.
    Rail Basic lock immediately undocks any ship that attempts to dock.
    Lighting is simple, green above means access granted, red below means access denied.
    Logic all down one side, so no visible pipes in the corridor.
    Corridor wedges can be removed to make larger, due to no visible logic pipes.
    Re-colouring/re-skinng the inside/outside pretty easy.
    If adapting to a structure, just move the logic where you want.

    There is also another variant with dual doors for airlock.

    LP USD 01 Double Doors

    Video examples
    Starmade 2016 01 29 USD 01 Demo

    Starmade 2016 01 29 USD 01 Examples

    Example Application to Shangra-La.

    Origin Of My USD Layout
    I feel it is important to outline why I use this particular rail placement.
    The day rails were finally released (Not Dev), I began working on a USD for myself. I wanted the ability to walk from my ship to a station and back in a sealed dock, like you see in Sci-Fi like Star Trek. I took inspiration from Star Trek, and what always came to mind was the episode where the Enterprise-D was docked for the Binars to upgrade the ships computer. You see the docking ports in different sections of the ship connected to tubes coming from the station that had nice windows etc.

    When originally playing around with the positioning, I wanted it to not only be universal, but not impact portal symmetry or limit me in shape and size. I also wanted it to be adaptable to the existing derelict station at the time and later to the new official derelict, trade and pirate stations. It had to allow me to retro-fit it to the Isanth ships, and eventually I built my own designs including an attempt at Isanth replacements. I also had plans to use it in structures planet side and as a general means of connecting universal modules to build stations, bases and ships.

    I have many practical examples that I will upload to Content in due course for you to play with at your leisure. Many of which are now out dated for me and originally experiments, tests and refinements to the point it is in this USD design. I also use it as a general docking port for all my ship builds or just to have somewhere to park and prevent things floating around and creating a mess like debris field. Basically an anchor point. Oh, and I've added it to the ships & stations made by others that I've used or modified for my own purposes. Like Derelict Station Delta (Shangra-La), Tradestation Delta and the Freighter from the Tutorial.
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