Lightier lighten mode - See better in the dark!

    Lightier lighten mode - See better in the dark! 6.28

    It's broken on the latest dev build, a critical error is thrown on world load. My retype of the error:
    Light is finally light.
    Hate to do this, because I usually love this, but if it don't work, it don't work.
    Same here since ive played last time it seems to get much darker espacially with Black blocks.


    I tried this mod some month ago and it worked fine, but now it seems that somthings changed, pls fix this

    Doesn't do shit:
    Are you sure that you turned lighten mode on, by holding control and hitting the checkbox in the upper-right?
    My ophthalmologist said it was either this mod or I would go blind. You saved my eyes. 200/200
    YES!!! I build in all white blocks then edit later... thank you so much!!!
    yes finally i can see need i say more
    Definitely the most useful shader mod I've seen, makes working on ships much easier.
    This is a life saver right here! Thank you so much. Works perfectly.
    "Lighten" no longer is "bwahaa here have a black silhouette of your black ship!"
    Thank you very much finally I can work on the details of my black ships again!!!
    Very simple, but very helpful mod.
    I was blind but now i see.

    Awesome work.
    Thank you for doing this. Before when i used "lighten" it actually made it harder to see things. Definitely a must have!
    One word: Essential.
    Two words: Thank you!