Leosteus Class Guardian

    Leosteus Class Guardian 1.0

    After a long and bloody civil war the Amphibos Colonial Empire first had to rebuild order. With large chunks of the fleet still fragmented, damaged and utterly outdated, the Empire needed a ship that could go on police and patrol duty just as well in space as on planet surfaces and wich could also be produced in large numbers.

    The solution the builder caste came up with was the Leosteus. A relatviely small ship that could operate in deep space without fleet support for weeks.
    The newly gained acces to resources alowed for the ship to be equipped with highly modern crew facilities wich made it more comfortable for members of the amphibos species, though the ship still retains some of the industrial feeling the empire adopted throughout it's wars.

    Even though the leosteus had been mostly state of the art at the time, the craft wasn't without it's problems.
    The ship had to be designed very hastely and thus couldn't be proberly simulated and tested. In the end the crews had to fight with an easily overloaded powergrid and difficult controls duo to the antigravitation units poorly adjusted for basic navigation.
    In addition the builder caste forgot to include detention cells in the design, so captives had to be locked up in the cargo bay or the air locks.

    Amphibos have difficulties in creating large energy fields with their power systems. As a result they wouldn't have developed energy shields by the time the Leosteus entered service (Though they could manage small fields).
    Therefore Amphibos ships are typically build with sturdy hulls that are protected by large chunks of armor plating, resulting in pretty slow ships which are seldom capable of flying close to planet surfaces.
    Lord Daro
    First release
    Last update
    5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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    very nice , i like the disign of the ship he is very cool
    Well... Look at the stars xD

    Actually I can't find anything to steal even one star from you. The vessel is excellent.