Klingon Bird of Prey (Actually complete this time)

    Klingon Bird of Prey (Actually complete this time) MK7

    (Update: I uploaded this newest file in January and I just realized that a version string needed input OR IT DOESN'T ACTUALLY UPDATE THE FILE.. Wow.. Four months later and after being reviewed by Skylord and Saber both who complained about its interior being unfinished.. Here is the version that was supposed to be here 4 months ago... FOUR F@$#!N MONTHS AGO!!! Someone shoot me :.(.

    Here is a gal i've been working on and off for a month or two now (among many others) in which i feel i've gotten to a point to where i can get it up on the docks.
    Now all of you trekkies out there will have something to fight against with the dozens of available federation ships here on the docks.
    There will be updates as i find time along with more klingon ships as i intend to make an NPC faction consisting of these vessels. Qapla'!




    First release
    Last update
    4.83 star(s) 6 ratings

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    Latest updates

    1. Somehow this ship never properly updated since JANUARY

      I uploaded this newest file in January and I just realized that a version string needed input...
    2. More minor fixes. (the last)

      Every time i get in the ship i see a block missing or something not quite right.. So i spent the...
    3. Complete PvP version

      This is the complete PvP variant with the interior now finished along with a bottom mounted ion...

    Latest reviews

    • Deleted member
    • 5.00 star(s)
    • Version: 2017-01-15
    Very detailed and accurate! Although the wings folding would be exquisite. very good job
    This is now the definitive large B'rel class in the SM: Star Trek kitchen. I quietly and embarrassingly deleted my similar sized B'rel shell after I downloaded this badboy and took her for a spin.

    There's no reason for me to even try to top this.

    It's seriously almost flawless - just unreal.

    It's the only large non-Starfleet ship I've deemed worthy to join my server, and I get tingles everytime I see an NPC flying one by still.

    Words can't express the gratitude and admiration for this Omega.

    I figured i should let you know that there is a new version available for download here.
    Wonderfull ! Great work omega :) Im glad to see this ship completed. ^^ And i hope you will resume building great ships like that :D
    It's looking awesome! I would be greatly enhanced if the wings were made adjustable as seen in the 4th trek movie. Then she would be capable of planetary landing! ;)
    I was seriously considering doing a secondary full role play version. It would give me more freedom to detail the wings without the stair step effect as well. But this version was built on a pvp server. And I was wanting as much room for systems as possible. But do expect an RP variant in the future.
    *Raises a keg of Bloodwine* May they sing songs of the great victories of this ship, and the brave crew it has.

    Excellent work as always, I really like all your ships. You're so darned good at it, that it makes me feel like the runt of the litter. Great job.
    Qo' puS bits Doq 'ej wovbe' chel 'e' DalIjchugh!