Heavy Manta

    Heavy Manta 2015-05-19

    The Heavy Manta is the mining ship for dangerous time. Outfitted with strong shields and solid thrusters, it can take punishment until it's jump drive is charged up to get out of danger. If you're salvaging in enemy territory, this is the ship to use.


    Blocks: 19061
    Power Cap: 1.1m
    Power Gen: 307k
    Shield Cap: 306k
    Shield Gen: 6k/sec


    1400 salvage blocks in 47 distinct beams.


    Comes with one short-range shuttle and automatic docking bay to land it within.
    First release
    Last update
    5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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    Wolflaynce Review:

    The Good:
    Gorgeous. Reminds me of a Star Trek Klingon D7's without the long neck boom and flying backwards. And it glows! I give it a 4 out of 5 on the Glowy meter.*

    The docking mechanism is really interesting for the shuttle. Brings you right up to the flight deck. And I like the shuttle design that it’s my go to scooter if I want to transport things.

    I also like how you did that door hatch. Very cool to have this sliding slab of armor tied to the logic. Though I am curious how you were able to switch the direction of the rails for opening/closing? I watched it, but still haven’t figured out how it works.

    The Bad:
    Which end was the front? And where’s the door? Took me some time to figure that out. Not really a bad thing, as you were going for a unique shape.

    The other bad is it’s unfurnished inside. Which is good as it allow the customer to redecorate from the clean inside lines.

    The Ugly:
    Lost the door and the shuttle in hostile territory. I would assume that due to explosion damage from missiles bleed through the shields. Dunno if that holds with the new HP update. However, it was a pain getting a new door it. I eventually just removed all the blocks except for the core and docking, then put the door blocks back to get it to work properly.

    Overall, I rate this 5 stars. This has become my main salvage ship, so much I’ve docked it to my Silent Swan or Gannet to take it into battle. I heartily recommend it to everyone, it’s just so bad-ass looking!

    *Glowy - How much is a ship is lit up or potential to be lit up. Scale runs from 0 to 5.

    0 = No lights at all, zip, nada. Not even the flashing lights when you lock/unlock the door. Not a bad thing, as some designs are that way.
    1 = Some lights, allowing you to find it in the dark, but you’ll bump your shin on the bumper getting inside.
    2 = Finally, you can tell the front from the back, maybe see the license plate at this point.
    3 = This would be the average ship in StarMade where there is enough lights for aesthetics.
    4 = More than 50% lights and/or very good lighting designs integrated into the ship. Think the 2nd TRON movie.
    5 = Elaborate and/or so much lighting that you can’t see your shadow. You might want to put on some shades. Think the 1st TRON movie.
    Thanks for the review!

    You can switch rail direction by placing a rail block next to the logic block that activates the rail. :)