Fern Logic Jumper

    Fern Logic Jumper 1.0

    A small jumper with low shields and high power, this ship, along with my organic theme, is designed for transportation across and even between galaxies. It has a large storage capacity for people who intend to settle elsewhere and want to take their crap with them, a permajammer that won't drain power no matter how much you move or have running, and - best of all - A Logic Drive, whose design was donated by my close ally Nosajimiki, and the tech for it transferred to me from Merc Dragons Technical department. It has no moving parts and only takes up a 5 x 6 x 2 space, making it the most compact drive you can get.

    Edit - Jump Drive is actually fairly slow, but is a miracle on servers with buffs to individual drive charge times. Apologies for misunderstandings. Still great for long term transportation/settling elsewhere, and great for going afk.

    Here's some screenshots:


    ^ Side view of it.


    Top view of it.


    Image of the small interior.

    Please enjoy this small but efficient transportation unit, and please leave a rating and a comment, as i would much appreciate feedback. More ships like this can be found at the following thread:
    Samwiz1's Organic Ships
    First release
    Last update
    1.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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    10/10 would not download again. Downloaded exclusively to test the JD, found that I was even more disappointed in it than I had hoped.

    The logic jump drive takes one minute and thirty-two seconds to charge. A delay-not clock that charges on the high and the low pulse charges a JD in 46 seconds on this ship. http://i.imgur.com/rLZQxNG.png

    Now, that was what I had some expectation to find. What surprised me (which shouldn't have) is that this ship is a box with two boxes covered in leaves. Not saying that something being angular is bad, hell, I love @Schnellbier's ships.
    To make an angular ship work, you need a lot of skill, which Schnellbier has, and I don't believe you do.

    The cherry on top of this box of a ship though is the damage it has. For some reason, there's what looks to be a cannon shot, which has gone all the way through the ships ass. At first, I thought that it might have been my fault, maybe a pirate sniped me while I was ripping appart the drive, so I spawned in a new one, and it has the exact same thing.


    To summarize; the chaindrive is slow, the chaindrive is big, the shape is bad, the detailing is lacking, and the damage is abhorrent.

    If this doesn't deserve a one star rating, I don't know what does.