Fern Logic Jumper

    Fern Logic Jumper 1.0

    10/10 would not download again. Downloaded exclusively to test the JD, found that I was even more disappointed in it than I had hoped.

    The logic jump drive takes one minute and thirty-two seconds to charge. A delay-not clock that charges on the high and the low pulse charges a JD in 46 seconds on this ship. http://i.imgur.com/rLZQxNG.png

    Now, that was what I had some expectation to find. What surprised me (which shouldn't have) is that this ship is a box with two boxes covered in leaves. Not saying that something being angular is bad, hell, I love @Schnellbier's ships.
    To make an angular ship work, you need a lot of skill, which Schnellbier has, and I don't believe you do.

    The cherry on top of this box of a ship though is the damage it has. For some reason, there's what looks to be a cannon shot, which has gone all the way through the ships ass. At first, I thought that it might have been my fault, maybe a pirate sniped me while I was ripping appart the drive, so I spawned in a new one, and it has the exact same thing.


    To summarize; the chaindrive is slow, the chaindrive is big, the shape is bad, the detailing is lacking, and the damage is abhorrent.

    If this doesn't deserve a one star rating, I don't know what does.