Exonis Titan (Hull) (1.6km)

    Exonis Titan (Hull) (1.6km) 1.0.0

    Game version
    Honestly bad at writing descriptions, I wanted to make a titan and so I made one, its has very slight partial systems (pretty much just about enough to cover it with a shield bubble) but when I try to add more it crashes. It has a few spinny bits and door logic on the missile silos so they open in sequence. To anyone who wants to try and field this thing well... good luck. Putting this here since its been sitting in my files for about a year and I realised someone else might enjoy it.

    First release
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    5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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    An awe-inspiring masterpiece... The overall form is well-structured (which must be exceedingly difficult on such scales) while the details are elegant (the largeness of all parts also make them look way more realistic from a distance, than what can be achieved on smaller scales). So many nice ideas, all beautifully executed: the enormous railgun jaw, the rotating reactor thing, the engine-like piece in-between, the slanted arrangement of reverse thrusters, the diagonal ring supports, the red-glowing hangars, the giant engines... And bless you for deciding to include a warp ring on a titan :D Congrats for finishing a work of sci-fi art on this level!